{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (1432 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (501 - 600 of 1432)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

0.1.0 (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#225 extra character shows up in pagination ui closed FIXED defect minor Chris Wilson 13 years ago
#221 CloudFilesStorage - Incorrect MIMEtypes programming closed FIXED defect minor Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago

0.0.5 (37 matches)

#114 Ability to delete media programming closed FIXED defect minor Christopher Allan Webber 10 years ago
#223 AttributeError: 'CloudFilesStorage' object has no attribute 'StorageObjectWrapper' programming closed FIXED defect minor joar 10 years ago
#213 expand AUTHORS, fix license headers documentation closed FIXED task minor Will Kahn-Greene 10 years ago
#208 If there are no next and previous media, the navigation buttons should not appear programming closed FIXED defect minor Caleb Davis 10 years ago
#51 Handing of bad media types (html!) programming closed FIXED defect major Jakob Kramer 10 years ago
#181 Icons could use transparent backgrounds ui closed FIXED defect minor Jef van Schendel 10 years ago
#196 Change storage configuration in .ini programming closed FIXED enhancement minor Elrond 13 years ago
#215 Some `medium.jpg` images are not saved to CloudFiles successfully. programming closed FIXED defect minor joar 13 years ago
#125 Improve media page layout ui closed FIXED defect minor Jef van Schendel 13 years ago
#171 Fat buttons/links are ugly ui closed FIXED defect minor Jef van Schendel 13 years ago
#219 CloudFilesStorage.get_file() performance issue. programming closed FIXED defect minor Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#195 SMTP configuration options programming closed FIXED defect minor Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#217 Some "verification needed" messages are not clear that _e-mail address_ is to be verified ui closed FIXED defect minor 13 years ago
#188 Media attachments programming closed FIXED defect minor Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#211 If we scaled down an image, we should link to the original size ui closed FIXED defect minor Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#210 Favicon ui closed FIXED defect trivial Alex Camelio 13 years ago
#130 Nicer error pages ui closed FIXED defect minor Jef van Schendel 13 years ago
#31 Tool to create a tarball of the current environment (database, media files, etc) programming closed FIXED defect minor joar 13 years ago
#205 Suitable home page for new mediagoblin setups ui closed FIXED defect minor Jef van Schendel 13 years ago
#199 buildout problems: ImportError: No module named ez_setup documentation closed FIXED task minor Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#102 Top menu / navigation layout ui closed FIXED defect minor Jef van Schendel 13 years ago
#173 "atom feed" copy should be capitalized ui closed FIXED defect minor Jef van Schendel 13 years ago
#200 login vs. log in -- lots of incorrect usage ui closed FIXED defect major Jef van Schendel 13 years ago
#192 Generic submit button label ui closed FIXED defect minor Jef van Schendel 13 years ago
#172 Font in text fields is inconsistent ui closed FIXED defect minor Jef van Schendel 13 years ago
#206 Inconsistent font size specifications in css ui closed FIXED defect minor Jef van Schendel 13 years ago
#202 recipe for building a gmg virtual machine to run on Amazon's free EC2 tier documentation closed FIXED task minor 13 years ago
#140 Encourage people to install libjpeg and libjpeg-dev or at least python-imaging documentation closed FIXED task minor Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#166 Custom grid generator programming closed FIXED defect minor Karen Rustad 13 years ago
#194 email validation assumes user is logged in programming closed FIXED defect minor Caleb Davis 13 years ago
#50 mongodb not scaling down: workaround and documentation documentation closed FIXED task minor Elrond 13 years ago
#86 MediaEntry.thumbnail_file not used programming closed FIXED defect trivial Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#198 Actively create MediaEntry ObjectId() instead of relying on entry.save() to make it programming closed FIXED defect minor Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#156 Use wtforms.render_divs(form) again programming closed FIXED defect minor Caleb Davis 13 years ago
#33 Translations programming closed FIXED defect minor Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#193 {% trans %}'ify our templates programming closed FIXED defect minor Osama Khalid 13 years ago
#184 Implement Cloud Files public storage backend programming closed FIXED defect minor Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago

0.0.4 (39 matches)

#139 "Edit profile" - The "Website" field should not be required programming closed FIXED defect minor Caleb Davis 7 years ago
#124 Create layout for profile page ui closed FIXED defect minor Jef van Schendel 10 years ago
#148 Improve pagination styling ui closed FIXED defect minor Jef van Schendel 10 years ago
#168 texinfo version of the manual documentation closed FIXED task major Will Kahn-Greene 10 years ago
#100 Friendlier steps after registration ui closed FIXED defect minor Jef van Schendel 10 years ago
#66 Better phrasing than "own your data" documentation closed FIXED task minor Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#163 Add tag views programming closed FIXED defect minor Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#169 update maketarball to build docs infrastructure closed FIXED task minor Will Kahn-Greene 13 years ago
#129 organize admin/development scripts closed FIXED defect minor 13 years ago
#11 Develop policy for external code in our repository infrastructure closed FIXED task minor Will Kahn-Greene 13 years ago
#75 tagging programming closed FIXED defect minor Caleb Davis 13 years ago
#71 Decisions on thumbnail size / main image display size ui closed FIXED defect minor Jef van Schendel 13 years ago
#160 Default theme misses UTF-8 charset declaration programming closed FIXED defect minor Odin Hørthe Omdal 13 years ago
#158 User profile wrongly nests HTML (footer lying inside content) programming closed FIXED defect minor Odin Hørthe Omdal 13 years ago
#165 submit_success function deprecated programming closed WONTFIX defect minor 13 years ago
#157 Default theme should have DOCTYPE to trigger standards mode programming closed FIXED defect minor Odin Hørthe Omdal 13 years ago
#58 Better contribution patches / branches documentation documentation closed FIXED task major Will Kahn-Greene 13 years ago
#161 Install source plugin on wiki infrastructure closed FIXED task minor Will Kahn-Greene 13 years ago
#127 move mailing list to new server infrastructure closed FIXED task minor Will Kahn-Greene 13 years ago
#28 wiki infrastructure closed FIXED task minor Will Kahn-Greene 13 years ago
#155 Models in models.py undocumented documentation closed FIXED task minor Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#111 Resize images to fit on page programming closed FIXED defect major Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#80 Test submission views programming closed FIXED defect minor Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#120 User bio should be Markdown-enabled programming closed FIXED defect minor Aaron Williamson 13 years ago
#121 Handle migrations ourselves (NOT through mongokit) programming closed FIXED defect minor Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#153 No need for email_sender_address / email_debug_mode in mediagoblin.mg_globals programming closed FIXED defect minor Deb Nicholson 13 years ago
#150 Set deprecated indexing back to keeping index information programming closed FIXED defect critical Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#115 Redirect and show message after editing profile programming closed FIXED defect minor Caleb Davis 13 years ago
#143 'previous' link results in 404! programming closed FIXED defect minor 13 years ago
#141 Prevent comment link expiry programming closed FIXED defect minor Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#147 Deleting slug doesn't give an error programming closed FIXED defect minor Caleb Davis 13 years ago
#88 Ability to turn off registration programming closed FIXED defect minor Rasmus Larsson 13 years ago
#149 media submission success template, view, and routing deprecated programming closed FIXED defect minor Rasmus Larsson 13 years ago
#134 use messaging system for email_verified programming closed FIXED defect minor Caleb Davis 13 years ago
#133 Prev / next buttons should be reversed? ui closed FIXED defect minor Caleb Davis 13 years ago
#145 limit prev/next query to 'processed' programming closed FIXED defect minor Caleb Davis 13 years ago
#144 prev / next should use slug, not _id programming closed FIXED defect minor Caleb Davis 13 years ago
#26 fix hacking howto setup for fedora 15 documentation closed FIXED task minor Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#123 We need a margin between the media image and the sidebar ui closed FIXED defect minor Jef van Schendel 13 years ago

0.0.3 (22 matches)

#101 Edit should only show up for media owner programming closed FIXED defect minor Caleb Davis 10 years ago
#56 User gallery page programming closed FIXED defect minor Christopher Allan Webber 10 years ago
#68 Server config file programming closed FIXED defect minor Christopher Allan Webber 10 years ago
#113 sidebar renders at the bottom ui closed FIXED defect minor Jef van Schendel 10 years ago
#77 Comments (simple) programming closed FIXED defect minor joar 10 years ago
#98 Create "setup" submodule programming closed FIXED enhancement minor Elrond 13 years ago
#132 can't see self-edit-profile link on user page unless admin programming closed FIXED defect minor Caleb Davis 13 years ago
#112 Previous / next navigation on media pages programming closed FIXED defect minor Jef van Schendel 13 years ago
#119 Submitting an image should redirect you back to user's page w/ a message programming closed FIXED defect minor joar 13 years ago
#104 Edit profile should be available to admins programming closed FIXED defect trivial Caleb Davis 13 years ago
#116 Pagination should not display when there is only one page programming closed FIXED defect minor Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#117 media_details template deprecated programming closed FIXED defect trivial Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#83 Messaging framework programming closed FIXED defect minor Caleb Davis 13 years ago
#65 Handle indexes ourselves instead of via mongokit programming closed FIXED defect minor Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#105 thumb - grid size mismatch ui closed FIXED defect minor 14 years ago
#108 registration form fields don't fit within the designated region programming closed FIXED defect minor 14 years ago
#92 Need a util.html_cleaner() method with good tests programming closed FIXED defect minor 14 years ago
#25 A nice looking basic theme ui closed FIXED defect minor Jef van Schendel 14 years ago
#97 Create a footer ui closed FIXED defect minor Jef van Schendel 14 years ago
#69 edit media details ui closed FIXED defect trivial Jef van Schendel 14 years ago
#87 Ability to create users from command line programming closed FIXED defect minor Alejandro Villanueva 14 years ago
#44 Basic user profile page, also bios programming closed FIXED defect minor Caleb Davis 14 years ago
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