Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#184 closed defect (FIXED)

Implement Cloud Files public storage backend

Reported by: joar Owned by: Christopher Allan Webber
Priority: minor Milestone: 0.0.5
Component: programming Keywords:
Cc: Parent Tickets:


Use the StorageInterface to make a new public storage backend.

Change History (9)

comment:1 by joar, 14 years ago

Cloud Files public store support is working on my local copy.

OpenStack Object Store confirmed by creiht of Freenode's

04/00:01.55 Does Swift fully support the python-cloudfiles
04/00:16.46 joar: the python-cloudfiles bindings should work with
04/00:22.21 thanks creiht!
04/00:22.41 Is there any service out there using openstack
04/00:24.26 joar: swift is what backs cloud files
04/00:24.37 at rackspace
04/00:24.41 Ok, that's great.
04/00:25.13 there are several other deployments of swift
04/00:25.54 Internap, Nephoscale, Korea Telecom off the top of my
04/00:26.03 Can't speak for Nova
04/00:27.06 Wikimedia was experimenting with it to store images for
wikipedia, but I never heard if they turned it all the way on
04/00:27.50 creiht: I was actually wondering because I needed to
confirm that my development will also work with Swift setups.
04/00:28.10 ahh cool
04/00:28.37 it should then
04/00:28.38 But if Cloud Files are powered by Swift, I've already
done so.
04/00:28.43 :)
04/00:28.48 cool, may I ask which tool?
04/00:28.54 MediaGoblin
04/00:29.02 or GNU MediaGoblin
04/00:29.03 The only main difference between the two, is to make
the auth endpoint url configurable
04/00:29.13 Yes, that's implemented :)
04/00:29.20 also servicenet.

comment:2 by joar, 14 years ago

Created merge request;
`\_requests/11 <>`_

comment:3 by joar, 14 years ago

Owner: changed from Joar Wandborg to Christopher Webber
Status: In ProgressFeedback

comment:3 by Christopher Allan Webber, 14 years ago

So exciting!

But, okay, a few things:


        def _resolve_filepath(self, filepath):
                return '-'.join(

Would '/'.join make more sense here? Sounds like that's totally
` <>`_

Also the indentation is deeper than it should be in this method.

Also, would it make sense that instead of specifying the container,
the first element of the path is the container? So in ['dir1',
'dir2', 'dir3', 'file.jpg'], the container is 'dir1'. Maybe that
isn't safe... I guess we haven't guaranteed that len(file\_path) >
1, which would otherwise be necessary (though currently that's our
usage). So I guess this does make sense. (Maybe put another way, is
there anything bad about having an insane number of files in one
huge container? I'm guessing probably not... hopefully not anyway
:) But it seems like the design was to allow for insane numbers of
files in one container, so it's probably fine.)

2 more nitpicks:

-  I'd rather the cloud storage class appear **after**
   BasicFileStore... BasicFileStore is the reference implementation
   and so should be nearer the top of the file!
-  I'd rather that documentation inside the config file on how to
   use this go on the wiki than in the config file itself? Though I'd
   be fine with merging it as-is, it's probably TMI for someone just
   setting up the most basic site.

But yes, looking great, stellar, amazing, fantastic. I'm stoked.

comment:4 by joar, 14 years ago

- is now fully PEP-8 compliant.
- precedes CloudFilesStorage
-  I have removed all the cloudfiles-specific options from
   ``mediagoblin.ini``, it's now in the wiki at
   `\_up\_Cloud\_Files\_public\_storage <>`_
-  I have NOT changed the container to be set automatically after
   dir1. As you say, I don't think that's the thought with containers,
   they are not so much directories as they are some kind of
   pedagogical separation when handling multiple projects on a single
   Cloud Files account.

Will post link to repository as soon as Gitorious is back up.

comment:5 by joar, 14 years ago

New merge request;
`\_requests/11 <>`_

comment:6 by Christopher Allan Webber, 14 years ago

Soooo awesome. Will merge tonight.

comment:7 by Christopher Allan Webber, 14 years ago

Status: FeedbackClosed
Annnnnd merged!

That was a crazy awesome discussion/implementation/merge turnaround

comment:8 by Will Kahn-Greene, 13 years ago

The original url for this bug was .

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