Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#28 closed task (FIXED)


Reported by: Will Kahn-Greene Owned by: Will Kahn-Greene
Priority: minor Milestone: 0.0.4
Component: infrastructure Keywords:
Cc: Parent Tickets:


Seems like it'd be helpful to have a wiki. The wiki needs to have
the following properties:

1. editable by contributors without crazy hassle creating groups
   and permissions
2. can't suck
3. must have decent anti-spam measures that don't make it a hassle

Adding Chris and Tomaz for their thoughts.

Change History (7)

comment:1 by Christopher Allan Webber, 14 years ago

I wonder if people also can't add or update tickets without being
in the mediagoblin roles list? That would be bad, even if the
reason is noble (anti-spam?).

comment:2 by Christopher Allan Webber, 14 years ago

NM, just tested. Non-hackers **can** create issues, they just can't
assign the issue to themselves.

comment:3 by Elrond, 14 years ago

Component: Infrastructure

comment:3 by Will Kahn-Greene, 14 years ago

Milestone: 0.0.4
Owner: set to Will Kahn-Greene
We talked about this briefly on the mailing list and the consensus
is that no one seems to have a strong opinion that I could see. So
I'm voting we go with MediaWiki using the anti-spam stuff I
implemented for PCF.

Once the wiki is up and running, we should populate it with some of
the content that's currently in docs/, particularly Chris' vision

I'm going to try to get this done for 0.0.4.

comment:4 by Will Kahn-Greene, 14 years ago

Status: NewResolved
We have a new wiki. It's at
`\_Page <>`_

Marking this as Done.

comment:5 by Will Kahn-Greene, 14 years ago

Status: ResolvedClosed

comment:5 by Will Kahn-Greene, 13 years ago

The original url for this bug was .

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