Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 1173)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#542 Celeryd yields an error and then stops processing uploads defect major programming
#495 Central calendar for contributor dates enhancement minor infrastructure
#5445 Certain media hang on generating thumbnail defect major programming
#965 Change TextField to StringField in wtforms elements defect trivial programming
#652 Change display of EXIF data to show relevant info + all fields enhancement trivial programming
#5517 Change docs to clone repo using https:// instead of git:// enhancement major documentation
#474 Change password is on the same page as the rest of the account settings defect major 0.4.0 graphic design/interface
#196 Change storage configuration in .ini Elrond enhancement minor 0.0.5 programming
#103 Change user status into a boolean, "active" or "is_active" defect minor programming
#975 Changes to Spanish translation defect minor graphic design/interface
#709 Changing license setting may set password to empty defect major 0.4.0 programming
#5074 Check for existence of automake, autoconf in enhancement minor 0.8.0 programming
#741 Check if header levels on the main page make sense (suggest changing to the same level) defect trivial graphic design/interface
#475 Checkbox for email notifications sits above its label Emily O'Leary defect major 0.3.2 graphic design/interface
#927 Clean up Federation defect critical 0.7.0 programming
#242 Closing storage objects joar defect minor 0.1.0 programming
#316 CloudFiles - Add name attribute to cloudfiles file-object joar defect critical 0.2.0 programming
#221 CloudFilesStorage - Incorrect MIMEtypes Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.1.0 programming
#219 CloudFilesStorage.get_file() performance issue. Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.0.5 programming
#444 Cloudfiles: «TypeError: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()» for video uploads Jorge Araya Navarro defect major programming
#5371 Collection atom feeds throw server error defect major 0.9.0 programming
#829 Collection deletion confirmation does not mention that the thing to delete is a collection. defect minor graphic design/interface
#571 Collection descriptions don't support Markdown but pretend they do Tiberiu C. Turbureanu defect minor 0.3.3 programming
#559 Collections can only be found from a file's page, no list to be found defect minor graphic design/interface
#776 Collections gallery needs better headings enhancement minor graphic design/interface
#781 Command Line Upload enhancement major programming
#60 Command to start shell w/ mediagoblin.globals set up defect minor
#5468 Comment box needs some top padding/margin enhancement minor graphic design/interface
#359 Comment counter always uses plural Jef van Schendel defect minor 0.3.0 programming
#250 Comment links uses media._id instead of media.slug in the URL Larisa Hoffenbecker defect minor 0.2.0 programming
#5432 Comment report link doesn't go anywhere defect minor 0.9.0 programming
#386 Comment styles (by Markdown) aren't visible Jef van Schendel defect minor 0.2.1 ui
#374 Comment-field-opening “Add one” button is useless/broken/confusing when JavaScript is disabled defect minor programming
#77 Comments (simple) joar defect minor 0.0.3 programming
#332 Comments from reviewing the new video merge defect minor programming
#5377 Comments made via API client don't get attached to targets defect major 0.9.0 programming
#177 Comments on a photo should appear above the new comment form Aaron Williamson defect minor 0.1.0 ui
#5384 Compiling error involving babel an localedata defect major programming
#531 Compression Options for Images enhancement minor 0.4.0 programming
#19 Condense How? When? Who? Why? into About page defect minor 0.0.1
#294 Configuration files should mention their _local versions Aleksej task trivial 0.2.0 documentation
#191 Confirm password field Jef van Schendel defect minor 0.2.1 ui
#93 Consider Workbench class Christopher Allan Webber defect trivial 0.0.3 programming
#624 Consider using itsdangerous for mail tokens. enhancement minor 0.5.0 programming
#471 Consider using user_dev for mediagoblin.db by default enhancement minor programming
#197 Contributors to the code may be surprised to learn of PEP-8 Will Kahn-Greene task minor 0.2.1 documentation
#451 Convert all mongokit style .find, .find_one, .one calls over to SQLAlchemy queries enhancement minor programming
#564 Cookie blocking leads to cryptic errors defect major 0.3.3 programming
#5393 Corrections to Site Administrator’s Guide defect minor documentation
#723 Could not discover <file.mp4> defect major 0.6.0 programming
#308 Could thumbnails PNGs with transparency be saved as transparent PNGs? Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.2.0 programming
#570 Crash after adding media to an unspecified collection defect major 0.3.3 programming
#5379 Crash upon adding an audio file defect major programming
#98 Create "setup" submodule Elrond enhancement minor 0.0.3 programming
#310 Create Atom feed from activity entry timeline (OStatus) defect minor programming
#424 Create Fabric Deployment Script for Media Goblin task minor documentation
#686 Create User.url_for_self() method and use it enhancement major programming
#1107 Create a "No user registrations" mode and make it the default enhancement major programming
#6 Create a MediaGoblin announcement / press release on the blog Deb Nicholson defect minor 0.0.1
#97 Create a footer Jef van Schendel defect minor 0.0.3 ui
#29 Create a way to wipe an environment Will Kahn-Greene defect minor programming
#309 Create activity entry timeline (OStatus) defect minor programming
#905 Create and use activities enhancement major programming
#124 Create layout for profile page Jef van Schendel defect minor 0.0.4 ui
#553 Create proper design for user dashboard/dropdowns/etc Jef van Schendel task major 0.3.2 graphic design/interface
#270 Create shell scripts to ease launching of celeryd with a local .ini enhancement major 0.3.0 programming
#583 Create tests for atom feeds enhancement minor programming
#955 Creative Common 4.0 licenses enhancement minor programming
#605 Cross-instance collections/galleries (think Flickr pool) enhancement major programming
#625 Custom CSS/JS list in the ini enhancement major programming
#166 Custom grid generator Karen Rustad defect minor 0.0.5 programming
#892 Data liberation enhancement minor programming
#679 Database "fixtures" (but not the testing kind) defect major 0.5.0 programming
#982 Database migrations no longer work defect critical 0.8.0 programming
#577 De-noisify video transcoding defect major 0.3.3 programming
#5078 Debian Jessie: ImportError: No module named babel.messages.frontend defect blocker 0.8.0 programming
#71 Decisions on thumbnail size / main image display size Jef van Schendel defect minor 0.0.4 ui
#160 Default theme misses UTF-8 charset declaration Odin Hørthe Omdal defect minor 0.0.4 programming
#157 Default theme should have DOCTYPE to trigger standards mode Odin Hørthe Omdal defect minor 0.0.4 programming
#483 Default “empty” background does not work for Airy Jef van Schendel defect major 0.3.2 graphic design/interface
#824 Delete an element with cli/gmg enhancement major 0.7.0 programming
#702 Deleting account raises stl-table-related SQLAlchemy exception defect critical 0.4.0 programming
#1021 Deleting an image breaks API feeds defect blocker 0.8.0 programming
#343 Deleting media can become tricky Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.2.0 programming
#1038 Deleting media causes feed API issue defect critical 0.8.0 programming
#5427 Deleting reported media gives server error defect blocker 0.9.0 programming
#147 Deleting slug doesn't give an error Caleb Davis defect minor 0.0.4 programming
#616 Deleting user account crashes if you have attachements on your media Elrond defect critical 0.3.3 programming
#898 Deployment doc: Mention bin/activate for running important commands. defect minor documentation
#978 Deployment docs need updating to reflect change from paster to gunircorn defect major 0.9.0 documentation
#8 Deployment via Silver LIning defect trivial programming
#899 DeprecationWarning: Required is going away in WTForms 3.0, use DataRequired defect minor 0.7.0 infrastructure
#46 Description not entered into database defect minor
#74 Design guidelines and color scheme Jef van Schendel defect minor 0.2.1 ui
#48 Design upload process Jef van Schendel defect minor
#11 Develop policy for external code in our repository Will Kahn-Greene task minor 0.0.4 infrastructure
#977 Development-only dependencies enhancement major programming
#1066 Dianara gets "Invalid Oauth parameter" when passing 'count' or 'offset' params defect major 0.8.0 programming
#996 Different widths of input fields in edit profile defect minor graphic design/interface
#5471 Difficulty with fastcgi section from deployment guide. defect major documentation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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