Custom Query (238 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 238)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#130 Nicer error pages Jef van Schendel defect minor 0.0.5 ui
#131 Messaging framework - find any places in the code where we could be using it Caleb Davis defect minor programming
#132 can't see self-edit-profile link on user page unless admin Caleb Davis defect minor 0.0.3 programming
#133 Prev / next buttons should be reversed? Caleb Davis defect minor 0.0.4 ui
#134 use messaging system for email_verified Caleb Davis defect minor 0.0.4 programming
#135 use messaging system for 'register successful!' Caleb Davis defect minor
#136 use messaging system for 'verification needed!' Caleb Davis defect minor programming
#137 use messaging system for 'resent your verification email' Caleb Davis defect minor programming
#139 "Edit profile" - The "Website" field should not be required Caleb Davis defect minor 0.0.4 programming
#140 Encourage people to install libjpeg and libjpeg-dev or at least python-imaging Christopher Allan Webber task minor 0.0.5 documentation
#141 Prevent comment link expiry Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.0.4 programming
#143 'previous' link results in 404! defect minor 0.0.4 programming
#144 prev / next should use slug, not _id Caleb Davis defect minor 0.0.4 programming
#145 limit prev/next query to 'processed' Caleb Davis defect minor 0.0.4 programming
#147 Deleting slug doesn't give an error Caleb Davis defect minor 0.0.4 programming
#148 Improve pagination styling Jef van Schendel defect minor 0.0.4 ui
#149 media submission success template, view, and routing deprecated Rasmus Larsson defect minor 0.0.4 programming
#150 Set deprecated indexing back to keeping index information Christopher Allan Webber defect critical 0.0.4 programming
#151 Order comments by date, ascending Inconexo ø defect minor 0.2.0 programming
#153 No need for email_sender_address / email_debug_mode in mediagoblin.mg_globals Deb Nicholson defect minor 0.0.4 programming
#154 is cluttered Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.1.0 programming
#155 Models in undocumented Christopher Allan Webber task minor 0.0.4 documentation
#156 Use wtforms.render_divs(form) again Caleb Davis defect minor 0.0.5 programming
#157 Default theme should have DOCTYPE to trigger standards mode Odin Hørthe Omdal defect minor 0.0.4 programming
#158 User profile wrongly nests HTML (footer lying inside content) Odin Hørthe Omdal defect minor 0.0.4 programming
#160 Default theme misses UTF-8 charset declaration Odin Hørthe Omdal defect minor 0.0.4 programming
#161 Install source plugin on wiki Will Kahn-Greene task minor 0.0.4 infrastructure
#163 Add tag views Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.0.4 programming
#166 Custom grid generator Karen Rustad defect minor 0.0.5 programming
#168 texinfo version of the manual Will Kahn-Greene task major 0.0.4 documentation
#169 update maketarball to build docs Will Kahn-Greene task minor 0.0.4 infrastructure
#170 tests aren't all passing for me in gmg/master defect minor
#171 Fat buttons/links are ugly Jef van Schendel defect minor 0.0.5 ui
#172 Font in text fields is inconsistent Jef van Schendel defect minor 0.0.5 ui
#173 "atom feed" copy should be capitalized Jef van Schendel defect minor 0.0.5 ui
#174 Use of "Submit" in site copy is sterile and not as friendly and welcoming as it could be Jef van Schendel defect minor 0.2.1 ui
#175 Add explanatory copy to add/edit picture pages saying that tags are comma-separated Jef van Schendel defect minor 0.2.0 ui
#177 Comments on a photo should appear above the new comment form Aaron Williamson defect minor 0.1.0 ui
#181 Icons could use transparent backgrounds Jef van Schendel defect minor 0.0.5 ui
#184 Implement Cloud Files public storage backend Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.0.5 programming
#186 It is possible to confirm an email address when logged in as a different user. defect trivial programming
#188 Media attachments Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.0.5 programming
#189 rework documentation Sam Kleinman task minor 0.1.0 documentation
#190 In-field labels Jef van Schendel defect minor ui
#191 Confirm password field Jef van Schendel defect minor 0.2.1 ui
#192 Generic submit button label Jef van Schendel defect minor 0.0.5 ui
#193 {% trans %}'ify our templates Osama Khalid defect minor 0.0.5 programming
#194 email validation assumes user is logged in Caleb Davis defect minor 0.0.5 programming
#195 SMTP configuration options Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.0.5 programming
#196 Change storage configuration in .ini Elrond enhancement minor 0.0.5 programming
#198 Actively create MediaEntry ObjectId() instead of relying on to make it Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.0.5 programming
#199 buildout problems: ImportError: No module named ez_setup Christopher Allan Webber task minor 0.0.5 documentation
#200 login vs. log in -- lots of incorrect usage Jef van Schendel defect major 0.0.5 ui
#202 recipe for building a gmg virtual machine to run on Amazon's free EC2 tier task minor 0.0.5 documentation
#203 UX testing - round 1 reports defect minor
#204 Kick off user experience testing Deb Nicholson defect minor 0.1.0
#205 Suitable home page for new mediagoblin setups Jef van Schendel defect minor 0.0.5 ui
#206 Inconsistent font size specifications in css Jef van Schendel defect minor 0.0.5 ui
#208 If there are no next and previous media, the navigation buttons should not appear Caleb Davis defect minor 0.0.5 programming
#209 Make next / previous universally non-confusing (possibly with thumbs?) Jef van Schendel defect minor ui
#210 Favicon Alex Camelio defect trivial 0.0.5 ui
#211 If we scaled down an image, we should link to the original size Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.0.5 ui
#213 expand AUTHORS, fix license headers Will Kahn-Greene task minor 0.0.5 documentation
#215 Some `medium.jpg` images are not saved to CloudFiles successfully. joar defect minor 0.0.5 programming
#217 Some "verification needed" messages are not clear that _e-mail address_ is to be verified defect minor 0.0.5 ui
#219 CloudFilesStorage.get_file() performance issue. Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.0.5 programming
#221 CloudFilesStorage - Incorrect MIMEtypes Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.1.0 programming
#223 AttributeError: 'CloudFilesStorage' object has no attribute 'StorageObjectWrapper' joar defect minor 0.0.5 programming
#225 extra character shows up in pagination Chris Wilson defect minor 0.1.0 ui
#226 Small code picks Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.1.0 programming
#228 Text changes to Delete confirmation page Shawn Khan defect minor 0.1.0 ui
#230 Wrong/too many descriptions on Create Account page Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.1.0 ui
#232 New website design Jef van Schendel defect major 0.1.0 ui
#233 Basic content license support Aaron Williamson defect minor 0.2.1 programming
#235 The concept of a 'slug' needs documentation Jef van Schendel defect minor 0.1.0 ui
#236 "Your email will never be published." is not universally true. Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.1.0 ui
#237 Move Hacking How To Guides into Documentation Sam Kleinman task minor 0.1.0 documentation
#238 split up hacking howto in wiki task minor 0.2.0 documentation
#240 Provide facility for configuring application-required middleware nyergler defect minor 0.1.0 programming
#242 Closing storage objects joar defect minor 0.1.0 programming
#245 Tests failing for me in master Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.1.0 programming
#246 GNU project wording on website doesn't match task minor 0.1.0 documentation
#250 Comment links uses media._id instead of media.slug in the URL Larisa Hoffenbecker defect minor 0.2.0 programming
#251 trans-tagging defect minor
#252 Split into submodules joar defect minor 0.1.0 programming
#253 Filename extensions should be made lowercase on disk Inconexo ø defect trivial 0.2.0 programming
#256 Use staticdirect instead of /mgoblin_static/ Elrond defect minor 0.2.0 programming
#257 request.path_info sometimes used incorrectly Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.1.0 programming
#258 transifex error Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.1.0
#259 Use original format for thumbnails/resized images (same as the image) Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.2.0 programming
#262 Make it clear when a deletion is cancelled due to unset checkbox Inconexo ø defect minor 0.2.0 programming
#265 No 'you really want to post a blank comment? yes/no' before posting an empty comment Aaron Williamson defect minor 0.1.0 programming
#266 Improve cache friendliness of static content Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.1.0 programming
#269 Make "confirm delete" checkbox label clickable Aaron Williamson defect minor 0.1.0 ui
#273 Make the base of page titles customizable. Erkan Yilmaz defect trivial 0.2.0 ui
#274 /auth/resend_verification/ crashes when not logged in Aaron Williamson defect major 0.2.1 programming
#275 web-site stop-gap fixes Will Kahn-Greene task critical 0.1.0 infrastructure
#279 Make scripts default to mediagoblin_local.ini if exists, mediagoblin.ini otherwise Christopher Allan Webber task minor 0.2.0 documentation
#280 One can post comments for non existent media Christopher Allan Webber defect major 0.1.0 programming
#281 MediaGoblin broken by recent WebOb release Christopher Allan Webber defect critical 0.1.0 programming
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Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.