Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#251 closed defect (FIXED)


Reported by: Caleb Davis Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Keywords:
Cc: Parent Tickets:


Hm, crazy idea...

So...I wonder if any one else would want to be able to tag *other*
people's media with their own separate set of tags. Delicious does
this by accident because every page can be bookmarked by anyone,
and you can view everyone's bookmarks for a given link, but I don't
know of other services that do this on purpose.

Some things that we tag are pretty cut and dry, so there probably
won't be much variation of tags from one person to another. Links
are a good example. A news story about a startup donut shop down
the street fits rather specifically into one's perception.

But art is different. Art is *supposed* to hit people different
ways. I imagine that stuff people put on their gmg instance will be
art, and that visitors will experience a user's media in different
ways. Let's allow for that

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Caleb Davis, 14 years ago

The immediate questions are, "does this really need to be a part of
gmg," and "would it be awesome if it was?" I would go with no and
maybe, respectively.

Sharing would be off by default. Specifically, from the uploader's
and the viewer's perspectives:

-  I can see my trans-tags of your media, but no one else can

-  I can see my media's trans-tags, but no one else can

Sharing could go all the way up from there to a free-for-all from
either perspective. Any genuine sharing that goes on would enrich
the social environment...

...but then you have to account for undesirable trans-tags:

-  I don't care about other people's trans-tags. I just want the
   good-ole fashion tags that the uploader wants me to see. uploader

-  I don't care about other people's trans-tags about my media

From there you could use a whitelist or blacklist strategy to allow
trans-tags into your life. [BONUS]: trans-tag permissions

comment:2 by Christopher Allan Webber, 13 years ago

Status: NewRejected
This seems like a pretty complex feature. I'm marking it as
rejected for now; if you disagree, ping me on IRC and we'll discuss
reopeining it. I tend to think that features like this could be
either handled in a plugin or in external bookmarking tools?

comment:3 by Elrond, 13 years ago

Status: RejectedClosed
This feature was moved to the new "Feature Ideas" page on the wiki.
If someone decides to work on this, they can reopen this bug.

comment:4 by Will Kahn-Greene, 13 years ago

The original url for this bug was .

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