Custom Query (636 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 636)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#906 Sidebar info not showing up in media displays defect minor 0.7.0 graphic design/interface
#907 Add template hook to dropdown header enhancement trivial 0.7.0 graphic design/interface
#916 Incorporate jpope's "sandy 70s speedboat" theme defect major 0.7.0 graphic design/interface
#940 Add template hook to STL sideinfo enhancement trivial 0.8.0 graphic design/interface
#952 Force footer to the bottom of the page defect major graphic design/interface
#975 Changes to Spanish translation defect minor graphic design/interface
#989 "Add Media" Button location defect major graphic design/interface
#996 Different widths of input fields in edit profile defect minor graphic design/interface
#997 Add an "Add Media" Button to the Current Media screen when no files have been uploaded yet enhancement minor graphic design/interface
#1000 Button style in Report file dialogue enhancement minor graphic design/interface
#1020 themes (sandyseventiesspeedboat) broken with footer change, and update list defect major 0.8.0 graphic design/interface
#1046 Media breaking out of container defect major graphic design/interface
#1058 Verifier page could be clearer defect major 0.8.0 graphic design/interface
#1100 Add a "Try it" link to the front page enhancement minor graphic design/interface
#1102 Typo in mediagoblin.pot defect minor graphic design/interface
#5468 Comment box needs some top padding/margin enhancement minor graphic design/interface
#5476 Extra whitespace around OAuth verifier code in HTML defect minor graphic design/interface
#5531 Make admin panel headers readable in Airy theme enhancement minor graphic design/interface
#5584 Add visual feedback on links enhancement minor graphic design/interface
#5627 Generalise keyboard navigation enhancement minor graphic design/interface
#85 Methodology for handling bugs task minor infrastructure
#95 identify bitesized bugs in redmine task major 0.2.1 infrastructure
#122 set us up on openhatch task minor 0.4.0 infrastructure
#282 create user group in wiki for editors task minor infrastructure
#286 RSS/feed icon missing on new website task minor 0.2.1 infrastructure
#370 [wiki] change Meetings page to category Simon Fondrie-Teitler task minor infrastructure
#373 Functional testing plan (test cases, e.g. for non-technical manual pre-release testing) task minor infrastructure
#387 write trac: macro for mediawiki Will Kahn-Greene enhancement minor infrastructure
#478 Recover and reset theme on defect minor infrastructure
#480 irclogs directory doesn't have indexing turned on defect major infrastructure
#495 Central calendar for contributor dates enhancement minor infrastructure
#505 upgrade to trac 1.0 defect major infrastructure
#520 Donation page uncertainty defect major infrastructure
#536 GNU Coding Standards-compliant configure script & Makefile enhancement major 0.5.0 infrastructure
#568 please use signed git tags enhancement trivial infrastructure
#586 HTTPS/SSL support on Christopher Allan Webber defect major infrastructure
#622 MediaGoblin outdated on PyPi Christopher Allan Webber task minor 0.3.3 infrastructure
#626 Seems that small images size are missing in the upload process task trivial infrastructure
#628 Add textcha to wiki Simon Fondrie-Teitler defect minor infrastructure
#654 Reporting pretty good video performance enhancement trivial infrastructure
#690 Enable 'relate to' plugin in trac enhancement minor infrastructure
#691 Travis intergration enhancement minor infrastructure
#693 An end to merge requests task major 0.5.0 infrastructure
#716 Wrong permissions for videos defect critical 0.5.0 infrastructure
#730 VPS use defect trivial infrastructure
#737 should support multiple versions, or move to readthedocs defect major 0.5.0 infrastructure
#738 reverse proxy to defect major infrastructure
#785 Avoid non-https logins enhancement major infrastructure
#864 The verification token field is incorrectly filled defect major infrastructure
#876 celery crash defect major infrastructure
#879 IRC-Logs unavailable (Gateway Time-out 504) defect major infrastructure
#896 Missing `pyld` packagee on update defect major 0.7.0 infrastructure
#899 DeprecationWarning: Required is going away in WTForms 3.0, use DataRequired defect minor 0.7.0 infrastructure
#910 ./bin/gmg assetlink and mediagoblin default setup defect minor infrastructure
#5011 Remove six==1.5.2 requirement defect major 0.8.0 infrastructure
#5022 ./configure with/without virtualenv defect minor 0.8.0 infrastructure
#5023 Incorrect version string in latest master defect trivial 0.8.0 infrastructure
#5033 make ignores VIRTUALENV setting defect major 0.8.0 infrastructure
#5036 Add pip-selfcheck.json to .gitignore enhancement trivial 0.8.0 infrastructure
#5309 Move GIT Repository task critical 0.8.0 infrastructure
#5345 Cannot enter new ticket defect major infrastructure
#5373 Latest flup removes Python 2 compatibility defect minor 0.9.0 infrastructure
#5573 certificate expired defect major infrastructure
#5602 Trac ( is rejecting registrations again defect minor 0.10.0 infrastructure
#349 Feed for all items Christopher Allan Webber enhancement minor 0.3.3 other
#18 make better sphinx templates defect trivial programming
#22 Add scaling requirements to the deployment docs defect trivial programming
#27 API Support for Mobile Uploads joar enhancement minor programming
#39 OpenID support enhancement trivial 0.5.0 programming
#47 It is possible to register 2 accounts with same email address Elrond defect minor 0.3.0 programming
#55 Need a paginator with tests defect minor programming
#63 Canonical place for giving credits to contributors Will Kahn-Greene defect minor programming
#89 Ability to restrict diskspace per user enhancement minor 0.6.0 programming
#103 Change user status into a boolean, "active" or "is_active" defect minor programming
#107 Email verification and forgot password verification tokens should expire defect minor programming
#109 Least-Effort Picture adding enhancement trivial programming
#118 Provide option to limit upload size enhancement minor programming
#142 Make sure we're using 100% efficient queries / indexes Christopher Allan Webber enhancement trivial programming
#146 Make messaging system testable enhancement minor programming
#159 After verifying email; the link to view user gallery doesn't work defect minor programming
#178 Have a Users page that lists all the users on a given install enhancement minor programming
#182 Logging in should take me back to the page where I clicked the login link task minor 0.3.2 programming
#201 Video support Christopher Allan Webber defect major 0.2.1 programming
#214 Switch celery keys to be all-uppercase Larisa Hoffenbecker defect minor programming
#216 What happens when you set a slug to an existing objectid? Anything bad? defect major 0.3.3 programming
#218 Announce only mailing list Deb Nicholson defect minor programming
#222 write script to check life of server Will Kahn-Greene defect minor programming
#254 Directories in queue are not deleted automatically defect trivial programming
#255 Cannot delete media page if the file itself had been deleted Jorge Araya Navarro defect minor programming
#261 Resized images should have individual (detailed) filenames (not just medium.jpg or thumbnail.jpg) enhancement minor 0.3.0 programming
#264 Make sure delete_media deletes comments defect major 0.3.0 programming
#270 Create shell scripts to ease launching of celeryd with a local .ini enhancement major 0.3.0 programming
#277 Enable "favoriting" of media Aaron Williamson enhancement minor 0.3.2 programming
#284 Support "Orientation" EXIF tag joar defect minor 0.2.1 programming
#287 Bullet points on new website don't align with text defect minor programming
#290 This bug tracker will not let me upload screenshots. defect major programming
#293 Entering a non-ASCII password at registration causes error page defect minor 0.3.0 programming
#302 Support deletion of an account by its owner spaetz enhancement minor 0.3.3 programming
#303 Support deletion of an account by an administrator enhancement major 0.7.0 programming
#313 A way to subscribe to comments enhancement minor 0.5.0 programming
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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