#89 closed enhancement (fixed)
Ability to restrict diskspace per user
Reported by: | Bernhard Keller | Owned by: | |
Priority: | minor | Milestone: | 0.6.0 |
Component: | programming | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Stephen Compall, joar | Parent Tickets: |
Description (last modified by )
for example restrict disk space to 500Mb per user add user.used\_space = check prior to upload if space is exceeded on successful upload add image size to used\_space( check size after possible resize/conversion ) Do we use the same restriction for every user, or should it be possible to set a limit for every account ? possible delete option ? ( what happens to comments )
Change History (18)
comment:2 by , 14 years ago
This sounds like post 0.1.0, when a demo site with public registration is wanted. I'm quite tempted to rate this "Priority Low".
comment:3 by , 14 years ago
Agree that it's not high priority, pre 0.1.0 it's not really needed. But it wouldn't be bad to have either if someone wanted to work on it. The main thing that's blocking it though is we need to rethink how files are recorded a bit... I really think we need to have models.FileRecord objects, whether those are individual documents each or more likely embedded documents.
comment:5 by , 13 years ago
Component: | → programming |
Type: | defect → enhancement |
comment:6 by , 12 years ago
Cc: | added |
comment:7 by , 12 years ago
Description: | modified (diff) |
Owner: | removed |
Removing ownership on this as it hasn't been touched for some time.
comment:8 by , 12 years ago
Owner: | set to |
Status: | accepted → in_progress |
comment:9 by , 12 years ago
Owner: | removed |
Status: | in_progress → review |
Here's a branch for this. https://github.com/rodney757/mediagoblin/tree/upload_limits
Still needs to be tested with the cloud storage, as I can't do that. Also it would be nice to have a client side check of the file size. I'll look into doing that, but I don't have much experience with JS.
comment:10 by , 12 years ago
Cc: | added |
Milestone: | → 0.4.1 |
Owner: | set to |
Status: | review → in_progress |
Ah, this is really great! This code looks good. I only have two comments:
- media_confirm_delete decresases the size of uploaded things from request.user, but if the user deleting things is an administrator, you're removing from the wrong user. We should use media.get_uploader instead.
- Small tyop on:
+ # Get file size an round to 2 decimal places
Everything else looks good. Rodney if you want to make those changes that would be good (if not I can do them), but more importantly, yes, someone needs to test the cloudfiles thing... we can't really merge this until someone does.
Joar, would you be able to help with this? If not, I'll bust out my cloudfiles account next week.
comment:11 by , 11 years ago
Owner: | removed |
Status: | in_progress → review |
I'm moving this back to in review.
Really, the comments I made could be done fast... the important thing is that someone test this with cloudfiles. That could be me or someone else.
comment:12 by , 11 years ago
comment:13 by , 11 years ago
This seems very close to being mergable... however, the tests are failing, and it looks like a legitimate failure?
=================================== FAILURES =================================== _____________________ TestSubmission.test_user_under_limit _____________________ self = <mediagoblin.tests.test_submission.TestSubmission instance at 0x37967e8> def test_user_under_limit(self): self.user_upload_limits(uploaded=499) # User uploaded should be 499 assert self.test_user.uploaded == 499 response, context = self.do_post({'title': u'Normal upload 6'}, do_follow=False, **self.upload_data(MED_PNG)) > form = context['mediagoblin/submit/start.html']['submit_form'] E KeyError: 'mediagoblin/submit/start.html' mediagoblin/tests/test_submission.py:203: KeyError
I think the cause of this should be fixed before merge?
I am going to try to look into it, but some help wouldn't be minded if someone can assist.
comment:14 by , 11 years ago
It looks like the commit with the first failure is:
commit 6d1108ff8dc2f6d1fa87518b0725515b4ccbc9fe Author: Rodney Ewing <ewing.rj@gmail.com> Date: Thu Jun 13 17:17:33 2013 -0700 fixed tests and defaults
I'm still going to continue to give the cloudfiles stuff a try. I think the difference is that the behavior expected in the test vs in the view changed. Does that seem right rodney?
We can probably still get this merged for next release if it's done on monday.
comment:15 by , 11 years ago
So two things:
- I just tested it with rackspace cloudfiles. It seems to work just fine.
- However it fails to give the proper warning message. It looks like there's a redirect but no message warning the user that they've exceeded their limit, which is I think what we expect. Relatedly, that's what the test is failing on. :)
I think if we can fix that this can get merged....
comment:16 by , 11 years ago
Milestone: | 0.5.0 → 0.6.0 |