Opened 14 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#222 closed defect (fixed)

write script to check life of server

Reported by: Will Kahn-Greene Owned by: Will Kahn-Greene
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: programming Keywords:
Cc: Parent Tickets:

Description (last modified by Will Kahn-Greene)

Write a script to check the life of the server
every 12 hours.

-  is up?
-  is up?
-  is up?
-  is mailman qrunner running?
-  etc.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by Christopher Allan Webber, 14 years ago

Does it make sense for us to start looking into something like
Nagios? I think that's pretty forward-thinking. Or is that too much
extra stuff too soon?

comment:2 by Will Kahn-Greene, 14 years ago

It definitely makes sense to look at systems that do this sort of
thing like Nagios. At this point, the domain of things we want to
test is pretty small and I think I could write an easy script for
it. Plus, I would then turn around and use it on bluesock.

I'll talk with Asheesh and see what they do on OpenHatch and look
into the options before doing anything.

comment:3 by Will Kahn-Greene, 13 years ago

The original url for this bug was .

comment:4 by Will Kahn-Greene, 13 years ago

Component: programming
Description: modified (diff)

I haven't done this, yet.

I haven't done any fiddling with nagios, so I don't know how that all works. I have written scripts before, though.

I think I'm inclined to write a quick script as a stop-gap and then we can switch to something more sophisticated when our needs change or someone is inclined to put in the work.

comment:5 by Will Kahn-Greene, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed
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