Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (1001 - 1100 of 1173)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#69 edit media details Jef van Schendel defect trivial 0.0.3 ui
#194 email validation assumes user is logged in Caleb Davis defect minor 0.0.5 programming
#1056 endpoints redirect to trailing / endpoint if missing defect minor 0.8.0 programming
#94 exif data handling for users defect trivial programming
#854 exif hangs with 100% cpu on a specific jpg file without any EXIF data defect major programming
#213 expand AUTHORS, fix license headers Will Kahn-Greene task minor 0.0.5 documentation
#225 extra character shows up in pagination Chris Wilson defect minor 0.1.0 ui
#5580 fastcgi fails on Python3 defect major programming
#224 feature mentioned in text but it doesn't exist yet Caleb Davis defect critical 0.3.1 ui
#803 federation - work together with D* community task critical programming
#682 file permission review defect major programming
#26 fix hacking howto setup for fedora 15 Christopher Allan Webber task minor 0.0.4 documentation
#15 flesh out contributing howto defect minor 0.0.1
#14 flesh out design decisions in docs Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.0.1 programming
#13 flesh out hacking howto in docs Will Kahn-Greene defect minor 0.0.1
#689 forgot password is broken defect minor programming
#304 forgot password seems to translate "" Elrond defect minor 0.2.0 programming
#5035 gi warnings defect trivial programming
#67 global config doesn't get copied into setup_celery_from_config from paste factory Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.0.3 programming
#5446 gmd dbupdate: AttributeError: 'Config' object has no attribute 'attributes' defect major programming
#5053 gmg addmedia broken in 0.8 defect major 0.8.0 programming
#740 gmg dbupdate with database on another host defect major programming
#1008 gmg makeadmin <user> don't work... enhancement minor programming
#969 gmg user commands don't fail gracefully for non existant users defect trivial 0.9.0 programming
#443 gmg wipealldata fails if you don't have mongodb defect critical 0.3.0 programming
#771 gstreamer 1.0 branch (was: could not get any video data from playbin) defect major 0.8.0 programming
#5385 hacking installation instructions are incomplete for Debian Jessie defect major documentation
#943 hang at "Starting server in PID #####" defect major programming
#95 identify bitesized bugs in redmine task major 0.2.1 infrastructure
#229 import from flickr -> mediagoblin enhancement trivial programming
#894 index User.username defect critical 0.7.0 programming
#5551 install instructions and git submodules use git:// instead of https:// defect major programming
#480 irclogs directory doesn't have indexing turned on defect major infrastructure
#5478 jinja2 - 'mediagoblin.db.models.MediaEntry object' has no attribute 'get_uploader' defect minor programming
#5426 lazycelery raises IndexError defect major 0.9.0 programming
#439 kicks up KeyError: u'No such transport: sqlite' Christopher Allan Webber defect major 0.3.0 programming
#145 limit prev/next query to 'processed' Caleb Davis defect minor 0.0.4 programming
#200 login vs. log in -- lots of incorrect usage Jef van Schendel defect major 0.0.5 ui
#938 lowercasify username on login request defect minor programming
#18 make better sphinx templates defect trivial programming
#5019 make fails without pybabel defect major 0.8.0 infrastructure
#5033 make ignores VIRTUALENV setting defect major 0.8.0 infrastructure
#1085 markdown in description defect major programming
#149 media submission success template, view, and routing deprecated Rasmus Larsson defect minor 0.0.4 programming
#721 media type: video enhancement major 0.5.0 documentation
#117 media_details template deprecated Christopher Allan Webber defect trivial 0.0.3 programming
#773 mediagoblin ascii art broken defect blocker programming
#5326 mediagoblin converts entered username to lower case defect minor programming
#5555 mediagoblin install fails when building "wheel". defect major programming
#5388 mediagoblin v0.8.1 demo image (docker) enhancement major documentation
#5482 mediagoblin-licenses is no longer on PyPi defect minor programming
#934 tries to process SVG files defect major programming
#5573 certificate expired defect major infrastructure
#5325 page links to defect major documentation
#968 mediagoblin.submit.task.collect_garbage is not mediagoblin.submit.task.garbage_collection defect trivial 0.8.0 programming
#5543 mediagoblin/api/host-meta.xml template not found defect major programming
#1099 mediagoblin/tests/starttls_config.ini is executable defect minor 0.9.0 programming
#442 migration tests fail defect blocker 0.3.0 programming
#5453 migration will fail when disable a previously enabled plugin defect major programming
#5498 misleading messages uploading PDFs: No plugins using two-step checking found (0.9.0) defect major programming
#5338 mock requires setuptools>=17.1 enhancement minor programming
#5423 moderation media panel doesn't work defect major 0.9.0 programming
#50 mongodb not scaling down: workaround and documentation Elrond task minor 0.0.5 documentation
#128 move bug tracker Will Kahn-Greene defect minor 0.2.1 component1
#127 move mailing list to new server Will Kahn-Greene task minor 0.0.4 infrastructure
#37 natty support Will Kahn-Greene defect major 0.0.2
#457 need to be more obvious regarding contributor-ship in docs/ defect major 0.3.1 documentation
#484 newer/older buttons can have different height defect trivial graphic design/interface
#900 nginx warning using example config: text/html already implied in gzip_types defect trivial documentation
#402 nicer skin for video entries Christopher Allan Webber enhancement major 0.3.0 component1
#5402 no instructions for python3 defect minor 0.9.0 documentation
#5080 node vs nodejs on Debian Jessie defect major 0.8.0 programming
#355 nose and modules with optional library deps Elrond defect minor 0.3.3 programming
#5083 npm wants to install to /home/mediagoblin, but the mg system account doesn't use a home dir defect major 0.8.0 programming
#1016 oauth sends invalid timestamp format for postgresql db defect major programming
#806 on setup, kombu 3.0 conflicts with celery 3.0.24 defect blocker programming
#129 organize admin/development scripts defect minor 0.0.4
#138 ostatus breaks permissions and vice versa defect minor programming
#239 outline the site administration manual Sam Kleinman task minor 0.2.1 documentation
#528 pagination fails from user page defect major programming
#875 paster breaks by more than 5 requests/sec defect minor infrastructure
#818 pbr is breaking things defect major 0.9.0 programming
#954 plain text <br/> defect trivial 0.9.0 programming
#569 please do not commit .jar files to git (closure-compiler) task trivial programming
#5505 please remove me from mailing list admin task major programming
#568 please use signed git tags enhancement trivial infrastructure
#144 prev / next should use slug, not _id Caleb Davis defect minor 0.0.4 programming
#76 prevent CSRF and similar things nyergler defect major 0.1.0 programming
#912 proper handling of missing video codecs task major 0.8.0 programming
#909 pyld is python2.7+ only defect critical 0.7.0 programming
#5549 python3 password check does not work defect major programming
#5441 raw_input is depreceated in python3 defect minor programming
#202 recipe for building a gmg virtual machine to run on Amazon's free EC2 tier task minor 0.0.5 documentation
#99 redo website Will Kahn-Greene task minor infrastructure
#108 registration form fields don't fit within the designated region defect minor 0.0.3 programming
#489 release notes for 0.3.1 need to be written task major 0.3.1 programming
#20 remove Continue Reading text from entries on blog Matt Lee defect minor 0.0.2
#441 remove mongodb bits from documentation defect blocker 0.3.0 documentation
#681 replace mediagoblin.ini for mediagoblin.ini.sample enhancement minor 0.8.0 programming
#257 request.path_info sometimes used incorrectly Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.1.0 programming
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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