Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#37 closed defect (FIXED)

natty support

Reported by: Will Kahn-Greene Owned by: Will Kahn-Greene
Priority: major Milestone: 0.0.2
Component: Keywords:
Cc: Parent Tickets:


Running python develop on Ubuntu Natty doesn't work. PIL
doesn't get compiled with jpeg or png support. This happens with
both the virtualenv and buildout instructions.

Doing a Google search leads to the following interesting urls:

-  ` <>`_
-  ` <>`_

This is a big deal because it means people using Ubuntu Natty can't
run GNU MediaGoblin.

Attachments (2)

0001-Enforce-using-local-dateutil-with-buildout.patch (1.0 KB ) - added by Sebastian Spaeth 13 years ago.
0001-Enforce-using-local-dateutil-with-buildout.patch.1 (1.0 KB ) - added by Sebastian Spaeth 13 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (13)

comment:1 by Will Kahn-Greene, 13 years ago

There are a few issues here.

1. if the user uses buildout, then celeryd picks up the system
   python-datetime module, but needs a more recent one.

2. if the user uses virtualenv with --no-site-packages, then pil
   gets compiled without libjpeg/libpng support and is thus
   effectively useless.

3. if the user uses virtualenv with site packages, then everything
   works fine, but allowing for site packages potentially creates
   other problems.

comment:2 by Sebastian Spaeth, 13 years ago

03:35 ok. so, options are probably something like this:
03:35 1. virtualenv with site packages and tell people to pip
datetime over the existing system one. (yuck)
03:36 2. roll our own pypi with all the stuff. (total yuck and a
of work)
03:36 3. not use pil and instead use mogrify or something.
03:36 4. tell people not to use natty.
03:36 mmm... i can't think of any others.

One more comment. You forgot about `#5 </issues/5>`_:

Modify the sys.path0 serach path so that it finds a local dateutil
before searching the system one. In buildout that was simply
possible by editing the few lines in bin/parser. I know that one is
being automatically created by buildout, but looking at the
buildout stuff, it does check e.g. for existing PYTHONPATH etc. So,
I am not sure it is not possible to convinve buildout to put this
dist package before the system one.

comment:3 by Sebastian Spaeth, 13 years ago

BTW, I have been able to get it work on natty with the following


    develop = . 
    parts = mediagoblin make_user_dev_dirs
    dependent-scripts = true
    entry-points = 
    recipe = mediagoblin:make_user_dev_dirs
    path = user_dev

As a consequence, buildout created the followin sys.path0:


    sys.path[0:0] = [

And the startup worked flawlessly even after re-"buildout"ing.

It might seem a bit ugly to put a dependency there (I don't know
buildout...), but it did work using buildout. Hope that helps
getting this running on natty with less effort.

comment:4 by Sebastian Spaeth, 13 years ago

One more issue I had with "buildout" on natty:

14:14 BTW, current buildout did not like my system python-pymongo
failed with a mysterious "mongo master not found". When I
removed system python-pymongo it used the egg and all was fine.
So this might also be a candidate for sys.path0 fudging. I guess
the same way as the dateutil thing above in buildout.cfg should

I have a running mediagoblin in natty now, using buildout. I can
submit things and see the images.

comment:5 by Will Kahn-Greene, 13 years ago

Sebastian Spaeth wrote:

    03:35 ok. so, options are probably something like this:
    03:35 1. virtualenv with site packages and tell people to pip
    datetime over the existing system one. (yuck)
    03:36 2. roll our own pypi with all the stuff. (total yuck and a
    of work)
    03:36 3. not use pil and instead use mogrify or something.
    03:36 4. tell people not to use natty.
    03:36 mmm... i can't think of any others.

I had purposefully not included these options because they're not
very useful. That wasn't an oversight.

    One more comment. You forgot about `#5 </issues/5>`_:

    Modify the sys.path0 serach path so that it finds a local dateutil
    before searching the system one. In buildout that was simply
    possible by editing the few lines in bin/parser. I know that one is
    being automatically created by buildout, but looking at the
    buildout stuff, it does check e.g. for existing PYTHONPATH etc. So,
    I am not sure it is not possible to convinve buildout to put this
    dist package before the system one.

I didn't forget about this--I didn't think it was worth talking
about. It requires the dev to change bin/parser every time they run
buildout and that sucks.

comment:6 by Will Kahn-Greene, 13 years ago

Sebastian Spaeth wrote:

    BTW, I have been able to get it work on natty with the following

    As a consequence, buildout created the followin sys.path0:


    And the startup worked flawlessly even after re-"buildout"ing.

    It might seem a bit ugly to put a dependency there (I don't know
    buildout...), but it did work using buildout. Hope that helps
    getting this running on natty with less effort.

Can you put this together in a patch and attach it?

comment:7 by Sebastian Spaeth, 13 years ago

Patch commit is here:
`\_requests/6 <>`_

by Sebastian Spaeth, 13 years ago


comment:8 by Sebastian Spaeth, 13 years ago

willkg told me we don't use the gitorious merge request machinery,
so here is the patch

by Sebastian Spaeth, 13 years ago


comment:9 by Sebastian Spaeth, 13 years ago

Identified another issue with system python-pymongo on Ubuntu
Natty, which would always cause
*AutoReconnect("could not find master/primary")* errors. Forcing
using a local one here too.

comment:10 by Christopher Allan Webber, 13 years ago

Status: In ProgressClosed
Thanks for the patch, pushed. I wonder if it does fix everyone's
things? I'll assume it does for now.

If that's not true please let me know otherwise.

comment:11 by Will Kahn-Greene, 13 years ago

The original url for this bug was .

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