Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#5505 closed task (fixed)

please remove me from mailing list admin

Reported by: wkahngreene Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: programming Keywords:
Cc: Parent Tickets:


I helped set up the infrastructure for the MediaGoblin project in its early moments. Then later, I got super busy and ended up leaving the project.

Seems like most of my accounts are cleaned up (which is good), but the one thing that never got cleaned up is that I'm getting all the administrivia emails from the mediagoblin mailing list. This amounts to some 30+ emails a day. I get moderation queue notifications, administrivia, and bounceback emails from mailman sending an email saying an email was put in the moderator queue, but since the email isn't valid it bounces back.

I've asked a couple of times for someone to go through the mailing list admin pages and remove my email address (willg at bluesock dot org) over the years, but I'm still getting the email.

Can someone either go through the mailing list admin pages and remove my email address or give me the admin password so I can do it myself?

Thank you!

Change History (4)

comment:1 by wkahngreene, 7 years ago

Relatedly, this Trac instance has this on the front page:

Note to users of the old bug tracking system If you had an account on the
old bug tracking system, after you create an account in Trac, let Will
know. He'll connect your new account to your old bug data.

I'm that Will, but I no longer do admin things for MediaGoblin, so that line should get changed.

comment:2 by Boris Bobrov, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

This is weird, because i cannot find you anywhere in the mailman. But there is willkg at mediagoblin. I disabled that account, maybe it will help. I also removed your ~/.forward on the mg server. Hope that helps.

If not, please reopen, i'll dig again.

comment:3 by Christopher Allan Webber, 7 years ago

Hey Will,

I'm sorry I didn't get to this for so long. I've been drowning in tasks for the last year for standards stuff and similarly I was totally unable to find out where the mailman stuff was pointing at you. I've thought about the email all the time and haven't been able to get to it. Guiltpile. I hope breton's "fix" helped.

I removed your mention from the homepage. Thanks for all the help you did in setting up MediaGoblin, and I hope things are well with you. Let us know if there's more to do, and sorry again.

comment:4 by wkahngreene, 7 years ago

@breton: I think that sounds very plausible. Thank you!

@cwebber: It's totally fine! It's an irritant for me, but it doesn't affect anyone else. I should have written up a Trac issue earlier, but misplaced my Trac login. You're super busy. No worries.

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