{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (1432 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (101 - 200 of 1432)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

0.8.0 (55 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#5033 make ignores VIRTUALENV setting infrastructure closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#5078 Debian Jessie: ImportError: No module named babel.messages.frontend programming closed fixed defect blocker 10 years ago
#5073 Add autoconf, automake to dependency list documentation closed fixed defect minor 10 years ago
#5075 Add npm to dependency list documentation closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#5065 skip_transcode never returns True programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#460 AttributeError: VideoTranscoder instance has no attribute 'dst_data' programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#5036 Add pip-selfcheck.json to .gitignore infrastructure closed fixed enhancement trivial 10 years ago
#771 gstreamer 1.0 branch (was: could not get any video data from playbin) programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#5024 GSteamer 1.0 should be initialized only when required programming closed fixed defect critical 10 years ago
#5023 Incorrect version string in latest master infrastructure closed fixed defect trivial 10 years ago
#5054 timesince doens't seem to respect UTC timestamps in db programming closed fixed defect minor 10 years ago
#5053 gmg addmedia broken in 0.8 programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#647 Uncontrolled reading of files into memory programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#5015 No such file or directory: 'mediagoblin/_version.py' programming closed invalid defect major 10 years ago
#1050 .mo files should not be in the repo programming closed fixed enhancement minor 10 years ago
#5011 Remove six==1.5.2 requirement infrastructure closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#1038 Deleting media causes feed API issue programming closed duplicate defect critical 10 years ago
#1079 Activity.content is not fully translatable programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#1077 500 error updating comments in API programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#913 Get off of Transifex programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#912 proper handling of missing video codecs programming closed fixed task major 10 years ago
#1095 Smarter extlib installs programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#918 video.js recommending Adobe Flash and Chrome in some browsers programming closed fixed defect critical 10 years ago
#966 Latest version of "Markdown" package is incompatible with Python 2.6 programming closed wontfix defect trivial 10 years ago
#1065 Timestamps are not UTC programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#1117 Rolldown menu no longer working in MediaGoblin master graphic design/interface closed invalid defect major 10 years ago
#1052 Foreign key on delete user programming closed fixed defect blocker 10 years ago
#922 Some strings are not translatable programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#1078 /api/user/<user>/inbox gives error 500 programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#1064 API lacking major and minor feed programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#1069 API doesn't support deleting media programming closed fixed defect minor 10 years ago
#1060 Add a stable branch programming closed fixed task critical 10 years ago
#1071 Translations can't compile programming closed fixed defect blocker 10 years ago
#1056 endpoints redirect to trailing / endpoint if missing programming closed fixed defect minor 10 years ago
#1055 API feed sort order programming closed fixed defect minor 10 years ago
#1053 API Image object height/width attributes missing programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#914 Use named ForeignKeys in migrations programming closed wontfix defect critical 10 years ago
#1058 Verifier page could be clearer graphic design/interface closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#1057 OAuth HTTP redirection doesn't work programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#1048 Pumpa image upload failed programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#1054 Missing Activity attributes in image post response programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#681 replace mediagoblin.ini for mediagoblin.ini.sample programming closed fixed enhancement minor 10 years ago
#1024 Activity generator is always GMG service programming closed fixed defect minor 10 years ago
#1020 themes (sandyseventiesspeedboat) broken with footer change, and update list graphic design/interface closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#974 Re-enable garbage collection after implementing clean session behavior programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#658 Rollback SQLAlchemy session after each celery Task programming closed fixed enhancement blocker 10 years ago
#1021 Deleting an image breaks API feeds programming closed fixed defect blocker 10 years ago
#985 Misleading metadata processing log message programming closed fixed enhancement trivial 10 years ago
#940 Add template hook to STL sideinfo graphic design/interface closed fixed enhancement trivial 10 years ago
#984 ActivityIntermediator bits programming closed fixed enhancement minor 10 years ago
#982 Database migrations no longer work programming closed fixed defect critical 10 years ago
#847 No sources for files in mediagoblin/tests/test_submission/ programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#813 Move MediaGoblin to Python 3 programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#968 mediagoblin.submit.task.collect_garbage is not mediagoblin.submit.task.garbage_collection programming closed fixed defect trivial 10 years ago
#957 There is no description in setup.py programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago

0.7.0 (36 matches)

#722 deployment guide improvements documentation closed cant-reproduce defect major 10 years ago
#906 Sidebar info not showing up in media displays graphic design/interface closed fixed defect minor 10 years ago
#843 Postgres check is wrng programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#883 Properly exit when "gmg deletemedia" succeed. programming closed fixed enhancement minor 10 years ago
#819 Submitting media via the API plugin ignores tags programming closed fixed defect minor 10 years ago
#948 Errors viewing other user's blogs programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#927 Clean up Federation programming closed fixed defect critical 10 years ago
#861 Use STARTTLS when sending emails programming closed fixed enhancement minor 10 years ago
#920 Broken migration for #894 programming closed fixed defect blocker 10 years ago
#790 Problem processing OGV file programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#923 Making admin a user does not turn on 'moderator' nor 'featurer' privileges programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#731 Setting create_spectrogram to false breaks processing programming closed fixed defect minor 10 years ago
#791 When I tried put comment Slovakian language I got programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#865 creation date in exif data breaks image display programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#789 Cannot upload ODF (LibreOffice, OpenOffice, etc.) files programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#859 Celery uses the wrong broker programming closed cant-reproduce defect critical 10 years ago
#916 Incorporate jpope's "sandy 70s speedboat" theme graphic design/interface closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#909 pyld is python2.7+ only programming closed fixed defect critical 10 years ago
#888 Support RAW photo files programming closed fixed enhancement major 10 years ago
#894 index User.username programming closed fixed defect critical 10 years ago
#758 Fix skip_transcoding programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#747 typofix and improve runtests.sh programming closed fixed defect trivial 10 years ago
#783 bin/gmg command adduser generates a minor unnecessary error programming closed fixed defect trivial 10 years ago
#754 consider adding WAI-ARIA attributes to the header dropdown programming closed fixed enhancement trivial 10 years ago
#837 Moderation tools: report panel links the offender's name (whose content was deleted) to the reporter's page graphic design/interface closed fixed defect major 11 years ago
#839 Moderation: report panel: icons have copyright attribution in the ALT text graphic design/interface closed fixed defect major 11 years ago
#884 Remove outdated PKGINFO. programming closed fixed defect minor 11 years ago
#899 DeprecationWarning: Required is going away in WTForms 3.0, use DataRequired infrastructure closed fixed defect minor 11 years ago
#303 Support deletion of an account by an administrator programming closed fixed enhancement major 11 years ago
#874 The core__privileges_users table has the foreign key columns reversed programming closed fixed defect critical 11 years ago
#907 Add template hook to dropdown header graphic design/interface closed fixed enhancement trivial 11 years ago
#896 Missing `pyld` packagee on update infrastructure closed fixed defect major 11 years ago
#885 Fix a typo in babel.ini. documentation closed fixed defect trivial 11 years ago
#889 zh and ja are not RTL languages programming closed fixed defect major 11 years ago
#897 I think that there's no such thing as `git submodule fetch` documentation closed fixed defect minor 11 years ago
#824 Delete an element with cli/gmg programming closed fixed enhancement major 11 years ago

0.6.0 (7 matches)

#764 Improve checkbox wording programming closed fixed defect minor 10 years ago
#755 "possibly undefined macro: AC_MSG_ERROR" is breaking the pyconfigure method programming closed fixed defect critical 10 years ago
#723 Could not discover <file.mp4> programming closed cant-reproduce defect major 10 years ago
#796 Can't open collections programming closed fixed defect major 11 years ago
#770 New video.js (was: XSS vulnerability) programming closed fixed defect critical 11 years ago
#762 simplify user.html programming closed fixed enhancement minor 11 years ago
#89 Ability to restrict diskspace per user programming closed fixed enhancement minor 11 years ago

0.5.0 (2 matches)

#313 A way to subscribe to comments programming closed fixed enhancement minor 7 years ago
#766 "accoutn" instead of "account" programming closed fixed defect trivial 10 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.