Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#1054 closed defect (fixed)

Missing Activity attributes in image post response

Reported by: Jonas Haraldsson Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: 0.8.0
Component: programming Keywords: api, activity
Cc: Parent Tickets:


All Activity attributes except for 'verb' and 'object' are missing from response when posting an image, response data for comparison below.

Python dict of response data for posted activity with image object to gmg:

	u'verb': u'post',
	u'object': {
		u'updated': u'2014-12-06T13:32:53.251714+00:00',
		u'displayName': u'unknown.png',
		u'links': {u'self': {u'href': u'http://mediagoblin.jonash.local/api/image/7'}},
		u'fullImage': {u'url': u'http://mediagoblin.jonash.local/mgoblin_media/media_entries/7/unknown.png'},
		u'url': u'http://mediagoblin.jonash.local/u/kabniel/m/id:7/',
		u'image': {u'url': u'http://mediagoblin.jonash.local/mgoblin_media/media_entries/7/unknown.thumbnail.png'},
		u'author': {
			# other attrs removed for clarity
			u'id': u'acct:kabniel@mediagoblin.jonash.local',	
			u'objectType': u'person'
		u'published': u'2014-12-06T13:32:53.251714+00:00',
		u'pump_io': {u'shared': False},
		u'replies': {u'totalItems': 0, u'items': [], u'url': u'http://mediagoblin.jonash.local/api/image/7/comments'},
		u'id': u'http://mediagoblin.jonash.local/api/image/7',
		u'objectType': u'image'

Python dict of response data for posted activity with image object to

	u'updated': u'2014-12-06T12:32:50Z',
	u'links': {u'self': {u'href': u''}},
	u'generator': {
		u'updated': u'2014-11-07T20:37:43Z',
		u'displayName': u'PyPump Shell',
		u'links': {u'self': {u'href': u''}},
		u'replies': {u'url': u''},
		u'shares': {u'url': u''},
		u'likes': {u'url': u''},
		u'published': u'2014-11-07T20:37:43Z',
		u'id': u'urn:uuid:a6882470-2640-58c9-bcc3-a23b6e1b800f',
		u'objectType': u'application'
	u'cc': [],
	u'object': {
		u'updated': u'2014-12-06T12:32:48Z',
		u'links': {u'self': {u'href': u''}},
		u'fullImage': {u'url': u'', u'width': 1278, u'height': 757},
		u'url': u'',
		u'image': {u'url': u'', u'width': 320, u'height': 189},
		u'replies': {u'url': u'', u'totalItems': 0},
		u'liked': False,
		u'shares': {u'url': u'', u'totalItems': 0},
		u'pump_io': {u'shared': False},
		u'likes': {u'url': u'', u'totalItems': 0},
		u'published': u'2014-12-06T12:32:48Z',
		u'id': u'',
		u'objectType': u'image'
	u'actor': {
		# other attrs removed for clarity
		u'id': u'',
		u'objectType': u'person'
	u'bcc': [],
	u'content': u"<a href=''>Jonas (kabniel)</a> posted ....",
	u'to': [{
		# other attrs removed for clarity
		u'id': u'',
		u'objectType': u'person'
	u'verb': u'post',
	u'url': u'',
	u'published': u'2014-12-06T12:32:50Z',
	u'bto': [],
	u'id': u''

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Jessica Tallon, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

This has been fixed as of 3588522. "to", "cc", "bcc" or "bto" do not exist as of yet as those options are not supported in GNU MediaGoblin right now.

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