{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (1432 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (301 - 400 of 1432)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

0.3.2 (16 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#552 GMGTableBase uses default kwarg of {} in methods programming closed fixed defect minor nyergler 12 years ago
#533 Simplify/Robustify thumbnail usage for template designers programming closed fixed task major spaetz 12 years ago
#554 Meddleware improvments & consider merging my trim_whitespace meddleware plugin programming closed fixed enhancement major spaetz 12 years ago
#513 Add STL Media Support programming closed fixed enhancement major 12 years ago
#562 Don't lower()/upper() locales all the time. programming closed fixed enhancement minor spaetz 12 years ago
#182 Logging in should take me back to the page where I clicked the login link programming closed fixed task minor 12 years ago
#558 Honour user's browser language preference programming closed fixed enhancement major 12 years ago
#538 Return 403 (forbidden) rather than 404 (not found) when looking at admin pages programming closed fixed task minor spaetz 12 years ago
#514 Incorrect OSM license documentation closed fixed defect minor 12 years ago
#475 Checkbox for email notifications sits above its label graphic design/interface closed fixed defect major Emily O'Leary 12 years ago
#390 "Separate tags by commas" should be unnecessary programming closed fixed defect minor spaetz 12 years ago
#410 Move full OpenStreetMap, Leaflet & Mapquest-copyright text from the map widget graphic design/interface closed fixed enhancement major 12 years ago
#510 Non-ASCII characters in the slug make the media page inaccessible (Server Error). programming closed fixed defect critical joar 12 years ago
#483 Default “empty” background does not work for Airy graphic design/interface closed fixed defect major Jef van Schendel 12 years ago
#497 Add client registration capabilities to the OAuth plugin programming closed fixed enhancement major joar 12 years ago
#277 Enable "favoriting" of media programming closed fixed enhancement minor Aaron Williamson 12 years ago

0.3.1 (12 matches)

#464 Make Download links consistent graphic design/interface closed fixed task minor Jakob Kramer 10 years ago
#432 Upload media button should be more visible graphic design/interface closed fixed defect major Jef van Schendel 12 years ago
#457 need to be more obvious regarding contributor-ship in docs/ documentation closed fixed defect major 12 years ago
#489 release notes for 0.3.1 need to be written programming closed fixed task major 12 years ago
#487 submission tests fail programming closed fixed defect major 12 years ago
#224 feature mentioned in text but it doesn't exist yet ui closed fixed defect critical Caleb Davis 12 years ago
#369 Thread locally scoped gettext programming closed fixed defect trivial Jakob Kramer 12 years ago
#401 add plugin infrastructure programming closed fixed enhancement major Will Kahn-Greene 12 years ago
#462 Replace _make_safe by functools.wraps programming closed fixed enhancement trivial Jakob Kramer 12 years ago
#378 CC0 licensing for MediaGoblin Sphinx (docs) theme programming closed fixed defect minor Christopher Allan Webber 12 years ago
#405 Email notifications for new comments programming closed fixed defect major Derek 13 years ago
#449 Add download link to audio media type programming closed duplicate defect major 13 years ago

0.3.0 (33 matches)

#375 Video Preload component1 closed fixed defect minor joar 4 years ago
#407 Provide link to source on mediagoblin site component1 closed fixed defect critical Christopher Allan Webber 10 years ago
#413 Arrow keys ←→ flip pages while I’m editing a comment component1 closed fixed defect trivial Jakob Kramer 10 years ago
#379 SQL Meta Bug programming closed fixed defect major 10 years ago
#429 Videos/muisc don't play because MediaGoblin should take care of mime-type before upload them to Rackspace Cloudfiles component1 closed fixed defect critical Jorge Araya Navarro 13 years ago
#443 gmg wipealldata fails if you don't have mongodb programming closed fixed defect critical 13 years ago
#441 remove mongodb bits from documentation documentation closed fixed defect blocker 13 years ago
#442 migration tests fail programming closed fixed defect blocker 13 years ago
#440 revision for the spanish translation graphic design/interface closed fixed defect major Jorge Araya Navarro 13 years ago
#439 lazycelery.sh kicks up KeyError: u'No such transport: sqlite' programming closed fixed defect major Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#435 Wrong MIMEtype for audio source programming closed fixed defect major joar 13 years ago
#243 Add minimized exception to javascript headers when we start adding them :) programming closed wontfix defect critical 13 years ago
#399 MediaEntry.media_data integration component1 closed fixed task major Elrond 13 years ago
#359 Comment counter always uses plural programming closed fixed defect minor Jef van Schendel 13 years ago
#423 Mongo to SQL script doesn't set up Ascii/Audio SQL component1 closed fixed defect critical Elrond 13 years ago
#411 sql: deleting media needs to delete media_data component1 closed fixed defect critical Elrond 13 years ago
#406 Audio support (and content sniffing branch) component1 closed fixed defect major joar 13 years ago
#404 Don't save a "medium" image unless we have to component1 closed fixed defect major Bassam Kurdali 13 years ago
#261 Resized images should have individual (detailed) filenames (not just medium.jpg or thumbnail.jpg) programming closed fixed enhancement minor 13 years ago
#415 Show ticket changes on mediagoblin issue tracker timeline component1 closed fixed defect major Will Kahn-Greene 13 years ago
#388 `gmg wipealldata` deletes the default mediagoblin database component1 closed fixed defect major Jakob Kramer 13 years ago
#381 SQL Migrations programming closed fixed defect major Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#270 Create shell scripts to ease launching of celeryd with a local .ini programming closed fixed enhancement major 13 years ago
#408 Localized dates and times component1 closed duplicate enhancement major 13 years ago
#403 Add ipython support to ./bin/gmg shell component1 closed fixed defect major hugomatic 13 years ago
#264 Make sure delete_media deletes comments programming closed fixed defect major 13 years ago
#402 nicer skin for video entries component1 closed fixed enhancement major Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#293 Entering a non-ASCII password at registration causes error page programming closed fixed defect minor 13 years ago
#96 Integrate the appearance of the documentation with the rest of the MediaGoblin site documentation closed fixed task minor Jim Campbell 13 years ago
#334 Display number of views a media object has had programming closed duplicate defect minor 13 years ago
#384 docs do not bear copyright/license notices documentation closed fixed task critical Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#380 SQL: celery/kombu transport database programming closed fixed defect major 13 years ago
#47 It is possible to register 2 accounts with same email address programming closed fixed defect minor Elrond 13 years ago

0.2.1 (27 matches)

#239 outline the site administration manual documentation closed fixed task minor Sam Kleinman 10 years ago
#347 Access to wiki on this site documentation closed wontfix task trivial Christopher Allan Webber 10 years ago
#197 Contributors to the code may be surprised to learn of PEP-8 documentation closed fixed task minor Will Kahn-Greene 10 years ago
#386 Comment styles (by Markdown) aren't visible ui closed fixed defect minor Jef van Schendel 10 years ago
#360 Switch Javascript back to AGPL programming closed fixed defect minor Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#284 Support "Orientation" EXIF tag programming closed fixed defect minor joar 13 years ago
#291 New proposal for MediaGoblin front pages component1 closed fixed defect minor 13 years ago
#286 RSS/feed icon missing on new website infrastructure closed fixed task minor 13 years ago
#371 UTF-8 "ascii art" is broken (wrong encoding) programming closed fixed defect trivial joar 13 years ago
#312 Use mongokit's "Dot Notation" programming closed FIXED defect minor Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#372 update copyright statements for 2012 programming closed fixed defect minor 13 years ago
#201 Video support programming closed fixed defect major Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#128 move bug tracker component1 closed fixed defect minor Will Kahn-Greene 13 years ago
#95 identify bitesized bugs in redmine infrastructure closed fixed task major 13 years ago
#339 Let jinja throw errors on undefined variables programming closed FIXED enhancement trivial Elrond 13 years ago
#383 Merge EXIF extraction, EXIF image orientation and GPS geolocation features programming closed fixed enhancement major Elrond 13 years ago
#233 Basic content license support programming closed FIXED defect minor Aaron Williamson 13 years ago
#377 Make feed PubSubHubbub enabled programming closed FIXED defect minor Michele Azzolari 13 years ago
#327 Run-Celery-Separately documentation documentation closed FIXED task minor Sam Kleinman 13 years ago
#295 Make mediagoblin.org 404 look like mediagoblin software's 404 infrastructure closed FIXED task minor Jef van Schendel 13 years ago
#274 /auth/resend_verification/ crashes when not logged in programming closed FIXED defect major Aaron Williamson 13 years ago
#74 Design guidelines and color scheme ui closed FIXED defect minor Jef van Schendel 13 years ago
#366 atom feed not valid programming closed FIXED defect major Michele Azzolari 13 years ago
#191 Confirm password field ui closed FIXED defect minor Jef van Schendel 13 years ago
#174 Use of "Submit" in site copy is sterile and not as friendly and welcoming as it could be ui closed FIXED defect minor Jef van Schendel 13 years ago
#336 Inform people they need a better browser if missing <video>, webm programming closed FIXED defect major Karen Rustad 13 years ago
#185 Require mongodb v1.3+ programming closed WONTFIX defect trivial 13 years ago

0.2.0 (12 matches)

#316 CloudFiles - Add name attribute to cloudfiles file-object programming closed FIXED defect critical joar 10 years ago
#296 No way to change your password without going through "forgot password" programming closed FIXED defect minor Jakob Kramer 10 years ago
#323 Tags list on Edit page is not seperated by spaces and hard to read programming closed FIXED defect minor Manolinux aka Mu 10 years ago
#307 Better titles in more places! ui closed FIXED defect minor Christopher Allan Webber 10 years ago
#292 Enable "favoriting" of media programming closed duplicate enhancement minor Aaron Williamson 10 years ago
#325 Inform users in docs how to up the client_max_body_size documentation closed FIXED task minor Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#238 split up hacking howto in wiki documentation closed FIXED task minor 13 years ago
#343 Deleting media can become tricky programming closed FIXED defect minor Christopher Allan Webber 13 years ago
#250 Comment links uses media._id instead of media.slug in the URL programming closed FIXED defect minor Larisa Hoffenbecker 13 years ago
#298 ./bin/gmg adduser should take password, email as arguments, and prompt if not provided programming closed FIXED defect minor Manolinux aka Mu 13 years ago
#329 Drop custom delimiters in tags programming closed FIXED defect minor Manolinux aka Mu 13 years ago
#335 Exception: KeyError: CSRF_TOKEN programming closed FIXED defect major Elrond 13 years ago
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