Custom Query (636 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 636)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#585 When publishing through API, no PuSH to push_urls defect major 0.3.3 programming
#586 HTTPS/SSL support on Christopher Allan Webber defect major infrastructure
#587 Removed MediaEntry returns 500 instead of 404 defect critical 0.3.3 programming
#588 Make profile editing URL consistent Christopher Allan Webber enhancement major 0.3.3 programming
#589 Reduce test suite run time enhancement major 0.3.3 programming
#592 Poor overflow handling for thumbnail titles defect major graphic design/interface
#599 Allow login by username OR email Jessica Tallon enhancement trivial programming
#601 Increase the max tag length limit NattilyPidgin enhancement major programming
#602 Make "Add to collections" link text, with icon appended from the left with CSS. Same for "Add attachment" and maybe other links. enhancement minor 0.3.3 graphic design/interface
#611 Account deletion does not delete the media entries Elrond defect critical 0.3.3 programming
#614 Ability to swap app configuration for different unit tests Christopher Allan Webber defect major 0.4.0 programming
#615 UndefinedError: 'configobj.Section object' has no attribute 'geolocation_map_visible' Elrond defect major 0.3.3 programming
#616 Deleting user account crashes if you have attachements on your media Elrond defect critical 0.3.3 programming
#621 template hook stops string extraction Elrond defect critical 0.3.3 programming
#622 MediaGoblin outdated on PyPi Christopher Allan Webber task minor 0.3.3 infrastructure
#623 Easy context hooks for plugins defect major 0.4.0 programming
#624 Consider using itsdangerous for mail tokens. enhancement minor 0.5.0 programming
#626 Seems that small images size are missing in the upload process task trivial infrastructure
#628 Add textcha to wiki Simon Fondrie-Teitler defect minor infrastructure
#629 Make autoplay of uploaded videos configurable pythonsnake enhancement minor 0.3.3 graphic design/interface
#630 Media goblin gives error page after adding a media item to a collection defect major programming
#632 typo "qualiy" in a comment in mediagoblin/config_spec.ini Aleksej defect trivial 0.3.3 documentation
#633 Feed 'by tag' does not link to the pubsub hub defect major 0.5.0 programming
#637 Callable hooks that iterate through vs hooks that halt Christopher Allan Webber enhancement major 0.4.0 programming
#639 WTForms form extension hooks enhancement major 0.4.0 programming
#640 Interface implementation hooks enhancement major 0.4.0 programming
#641 Plugin support for static files and staticdirect enhancement major 0.4.0 programming
#643 Unique contraint for user+slug on collections rodney757 defect major 0.4.0 programming
#645 Refactor generate_slug for media and collections. Elrond enhancement minor 0.4.0 programming
#646 Problem with ./bin/gmg theme assetlink Christopher Allan Webber defect blocker 0.3.3 programming
#647 Uncontrolled reading of files into memory defect major 0.8.0 programming
#648 STL (3D) media type: buttons have redundant tooltips, one is wrong defect trivial 0.5.0 graphic design/interface
#649 Use instead of request.form['field'] Hans Lo defect minor 0.4.0 programming
#651 Switch to Pillow? enhancement major programming
#652 Change display of EXIF data to show relevant info + all fields enhancement trivial programming
#654 Reporting pretty good video performance enhancement trivial infrastructure
#655 Mediagoblin gives an error when trying to add an item to an existing collection Elrond defect critical 0.3.3 programming
#658 Rollback SQLAlchemy session after each celery Task enhancement blocker 0.8.0 programming
#660 Move Storage docs from wiki to main docs NattilyPidgin defect major documentation
#661 New screenshots for the MediaGoblin site defect major graphic design/interface
#662 Replace mediagoblin/tests/test_submission/evil* defect critical 0.4.0 programming
#664 Overflow not handled at pages like delete media ones defect minor graphic design/interface
#665 Tests fail for WebTest 2.0.2 defect major 0.9.0 programming
#667 Use lazy_pass_to_ugettext for forms aditi enhancement minor programming
#668 Replace beaker sessions with itsdangerous based sessions enhancement major programming
#669 Android client cleanup nyergler enhancement major programming
#671 3D model parser fails on stl models Aeva defect major 0.4.0 programming
#672 rfe: pdf media type support alon enhancement major 0.4.0 programming
#675 Loading config file fails if "media_types = mediagoblin.media_types.image" in the config defect major programming
#678 Group Permissions enhancement major programming
#679 Database "fixtures" (but not the testing kind) defect major 0.5.0 programming
#681 replace mediagoblin.ini for mediagoblin.ini.sample enhancement minor 0.8.0 programming
#683 add mediaimport gmg command enhancement major programming
#686 Create User.url_for_self() method and use it enhancement major programming
#687 Write unit tests for redirect and redirect_obj enhancement major 0.9.0 programming
#688 Map MEDIA_MANAGER to new MediaManager classes praveen97uma enhancement major 0.4.0 programming
#690 Enable 'relate to' plugin in trac enhancement minor infrastructure
#691 Travis intergration enhancement minor infrastructure
#693 An end to merge requests task major 0.5.0 infrastructure
#695 config_spec.ini for plugins defect major 0.4.0 programming
#697 Expand the plugin author guide defect major 0.4.0 programming
#699 Set up tests that use different plugins and media types to use their own config defect major 0.4.0 programming
#703 Switch deployment docs over to recommend running MediaGoblin as www-data? defect major documentation
#704 Make media types into plugins enhancement major 0.5.0 programming
#705 Allow a user to change their email associated with their account defect major 0.5.0 programming
#706 New notifications enhancement major 0.5.0 programming
#708 allow user configuration for jinja2 extensions enhancement trivial 0.5.0 programming
#709 Changing license setting may set password to empty defect major 0.4.0 programming
#711 Switch unit tests to using in-memory sqlite databases enhancement minor 0.5.0 programming
#716 Wrong permissions for videos defect critical 0.5.0 infrastructure
#718 [i18n] MediaGoblin Chinese (Simplified) translation enhancement major graphic design/interface
#727 ./ install broken because of missing packages defect major programming
#729 Boolean field description should be off to the side enhancement minor programming
#730 VPS use defect trivial infrastructure
#731 Setting create_spectrogram to false breaks processing defect minor 0.7.0 programming
#732 celeryconfig module not found when running dbupdate defect trivial programming
#735 Move change email to it own view defect major 0.5.0 programming
#737 should support multiple versions, or move to readthedocs defect major 0.5.0 infrastructure
#738 reverse proxy to defect major infrastructure
#747 typofix and improve defect trivial 0.7.0 programming
#750 Support subtitles for video and audio enhancement major programming
#751 vague website defect major documentation
#753 better redirect after delete confirm defect major 0.5.0 programming
#754 consider adding WAI-ARIA attributes to the header dropdown enhancement trivial 0.7.0 programming
#755 "possibly undefined macro: AC_MSG_ERROR" is breaking the pyconfigure method defect critical 0.6.0 programming
#757 Video upload ignored defect major programming
#758 Fix skip_transcoding defect major 0.7.0 programming
#761 [Python 2.6] OrderedDict ImportError defect major programming
#762 simplify user.html enhancement minor 0.6.0 programming
#763 Fix plugin documentation defect blocker 0.5.0 documentation
#764 Improve checkbox wording defect minor 0.6.0 programming
#766 "accoutn" instead of "account" defect trivial 0.5.0 programming
#767 First point under "do this to upgrade" in release notes is something to do after upgrading defect major documentation
#768 "Deploying MediaGoblin" manual tells to "adduser --system", meaning no shell, then to "su -" without specifying a shell → cannot log in. defect critical documentation
#770 New video.js (was: XSS vulnerability) defect critical 0.6.0 programming
#771 gstreamer 1.0 branch (was: could not get any video data from playbin) defect major 0.8.0 programming
#773 mediagoblin ascii art broken defect blocker programming
#776 Collections gallery needs better headings enhancement minor graphic design/interface
#778 Error while clicking on "Edit" buttons defect major programming
#780 Video player uses wrong dimensions for pane size defect major graphic design/interface
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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