Custom Query (154 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 154)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#164 Consider cache "table" accepted trivial programming
#260 A way for a reader to see thumbnails/resized versions in other sizes accepted trivial programming
#268 display where media is used (on external locations) accepted trivial programming
#346 Keyboard shortcuts accepted trivial programming
#348 Ads support with Open X accepted trivial other
#351 Markdown editor accepted trivial programming
#541 Use versioned API URLs new joar trivial programming
#572 Move Columns from MediaEntry to ProcessingMetaData new trivial programming
#590 Provide Markdown formatting options rather than linking to Markdown website new trivial graphic design/interface
#600 "Liberate my data" (data export button) new spaetz trivial programming
#816 BCV (Buscador de Contenidos en video) / BCV (content search in video) new trivial programming
#947 Media type configuration options are not documented accepted trivial documentation
#959 Create separate git repository for MediaGoblin themes new trivial infrastructure
#1042 Embed Open Graph data into relevant pages new trivial programming
#1051 "Max file size: X mb" should state "MiB", not "mb". accepted trivial graphic design/interface
#5034 Inconsistent variable syntax in new trivial programming
#5565 Display file size of uploaded media new trivial programming
#5567 Allowing setting per-user upload limits new trivial programming
#82 "safety level"/ or some type of data for (mature) content moderation accepted minor programming
#126 sharing and permissions accepted minor programming
#162 add quoting support to tagging accepted minor programming
#180 Have a javascript-y autocomplete feature for tags you've used before accepted minor ui
#207 Add tag list to user profile accepted minor programming
#227 add multi-tag views accepted minor programming
#234 Add RDFa to HTML output accepted minor programming
#247 Add a language selector accepted minor programming
#263 A way to choose filename different from the before-upload one accepted minor programming
#267 counter to display access of media (showing the number of views) accepted minor programming
#320 Video: Extract and save poster image accepted minor programming
#364 Shotwell integration with mediagoblin API accepted minor programming
#385 Show the original’s file size and dimensions on the file page accepted minor other
#414 Ability to delete one's own comments. review minor programming
#472 An option to use uploaded audio/video file “as is”, without transcoding new minor programming
#490 Media processing panel layout improvements new minor graphic design/interface
#499 the avatar image is necessary accepted minor programming
#519 A way to link to a position in a video/audio (timestamp) accepted minor programming
#522 Allow to create a filesystem-like album hierachy new minor programming
#534 Use accesskeys in the forms new minor graphic design/interface
#545 User().unicode() should be friendlier for templates new minor programming
#579 Update/Restart processing queue on GMG startup new minor programming
#620 Error message improvments new minor programming
#635 REQUEST: Add a "like" (and maybe dislike) function accepted minor graphic design/interface
#638 meta-decorator hooks / emacs-lisp style advice accepted minor programming
#653 Add capability for embed codes to show media on other websites accepted minor programming
#673 Anonymous Commenting accepted minor programming
#696 Version checking against MediaGoblin for plugins accepted minor programming
#701 Automatically play audio / video in collections successively new minor graphic design/interface
#712 Base template should not enforce header's max-width new minor graphic design/interface
#713 Should password recovery e-mail use the website name instead of "GNU MediaGoblin"? new minor programming
#779 Feature Request: SwarmPlayer embed new minor programming
#827 Reprocessing of media should retain preview filenames new minor programming
#840 Moderation: user panel lists the number of comments posted, but not number of media posted/retained new minor programming
#857 Better audio thumbnail new minor programming
#869 user can edit and delete own comments new minor programming
#870 new media don't appear directly accepted minor programming
#872 support avatar from libravatar and Gravatar new minor programming
#881 Make notification of moderators/admins about new reports more prominent. new minor programming
#908 Calculate volume of 3D media in_progress Rodrigo Rodrigues da Silva minor programming
#925 Consider reordering the media sidebar new minor graphic design/interface
#933 Plugins should have a way to redirect to the login page new minor programming
#986 Double confirmation needed to delete media review minor graphic design/interface
#988 Meta information right next to picture is more prominent than title and description new minor graphic design/interface
#992 Change Me "Media Processing Panel" into something more simple new minor graphic design/interface
#998 Profile in Topbar new minor graphic design/interface
#999 Notifications panel in_progress Jeremy Pope minor graphic design/interface
#5014 Add collection-based landing page that shows all users' collections (paginated) review minor programming
#5059 Switch to use argparse in_progress berkerpeksag minor programming
#5067 Add config option to always skip transcode review minor programming
#5077 share via a private link new minor programming
#5212 Custom thumbnail/media sizes for video review minor programming
#5350 More notifications options new minor programming
#5351 Add “private” setting to limit media view/access to logged-in users new minor graphic design/interface
#5360 Adding Collections to addmedia and batchaddmedia, and tags to batchaddmedia. review minor programming
#5361 Allow continuing where left off in csv for batchaddmedia new minor programming
#5370 LDAP User Filter new minor programming
#5392 Add ability to disable uploads of media type while retaining existing media of that type new minor programming
#5405 Content Security Policy new minor programming
#5418 Fix the look of media type icon new minor 0.11.0 graphic design/interface
#5428 "Add media" and "Create new collection" placing new minor graphic design/interface
#5430 admin media processing panel should be the same as user one new minor 0.11.0 programming
#5434 Lightbox effect for images accepted minor graphic design/interface
#5456 Add IPFS peer-to-peer based storage backend new minor programming
#5463 Allow deleting failed media from processing panel new minor programming
#5477 Browse all media new minor programming
#5480 WebTorrent new minor programming
#5489 user_ldap: Log something on failure due to SSL problems new minor programming
#5566 Display uploaded file size sum vs upload limit new minor programming
#5568 LDAP Plguin doesn't work well with Active Directory review minor 0.13.0 programming
#5600 Mention a mail server in deployment docs new minor 0.11.0 documentation
#5601 Mention HTTPS in deployment docs new minor 0.11.0 documentation
#5605 Atom feed compatibility with podcatchers new minor programming
#5628 Select new thumbnail through GUI new minor programming
#400 Media licensing should be human readable accepted major programming
#409 oEmbed support accepted major 1.0 programming
#467 write test scaffolding for core plugins accepted major programming
#486 Drag and drop media uploading support accepted major programming
#551 Create test that makes sure all migrations are sane accepted major programming
#563 Create License Table new major programming
#567 Support For Ogg Vorbis+Theora accepted major programming
#574 Add slideshow view reopened major programming
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Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.