Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#227 accepted enhancement

add multi-tag views

Reported by: Caleb Davis Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: programming Keywords: bitesized
Cc: Parent Tickets:

Description (last modified by Christopher Allan Webber)

In IRC schendje just reminded me about the multi-tag views that
would be awesome to have:


May we please have this now?

BONUS: /u/superwoahdude/tag/bunnies - subscribe to a user's tags
BONUS: /u/superwoahdude+awesomewoahman - subscribe to combo of
BONUS: /u/superwoahdude+awesomewoahman/tag/bunnies - subscribe to a
tag from a combo of users
BONUS: /u/superwoahdude+awesomewoahman/tag/bunnies+fangs -
subscribe to the intersection of arbitrary lists of users and tags

Change History (6)

comment:1 by Jef van Schendel, 14 years ago

Another thing I'm wondering about: how do you end up on these
pages? Besides of course manually editing the address.

comment:2 by Caleb Davis, 14 years ago

good question. Have you seen how delicious does it?

` <>`_

They use these really intuitive tag-looking widgets that interlock
with each other

comment:3 by Christopher Allan Webber, 14 years ago

water+apocolypse, hilarious :)

Hm, regarding how you might end up at one of these, I imagine three

-  A user sets up some special "tag collections" that are just
   things they marked as one or more tags that they've highlighted
   together. Like maybe you have a lot of FOSS stuff, but some of it
   is photos at conferences, some of it is mockups, etc. In that case
   you might have a "foss + conferences" tag collection highlighted on
   your frontpage helping people find your tag collection stuff.
-  Constructing the URLs manually...
-  Search! We've been talking about search for a while. Why not
   search encompassing text, people, tags! maybe the UI like:

   Search! Text [lol cats dawg ]

   Users: [cwebber, caleb, freedeb ]

   Tags [water, apocolypse ]

The url for that could be like:


comment:4 by Will Kahn-Greene, 13 years ago

The original url for this bug was .

comment:5 by Christopher Allan Webber, 11 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Keywords: bitesized added

Adding this feature would be fairly bitesized. Adding an actual UI for it would be more complex, but I would consider it "done" for this ticket to just add the ability to filter the query as such.

comment:6 by Ben Sturmfels, 8 years ago

Type: defectenhancement
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