Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#499 accepted enhancement

the avatar image is necessary

Reported by: Charlie Vegan Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: programming Keywords: avatar
Cc: Parent Tickets:


need an option to upload an avatar, I think something elemental.

Change History (15)

comment:1 by spaetz, 12 years ago

has now an implementation allowing a user to upload their own avatar image. The only caveat is that there is no content and image size sanity checking. This should be implemented as part of the form field validation step using PIL.

comment:2 by spaetz, 12 years ago

Milestone: 0.3.3

comment:3 by spaetz, 12 years ago

Modified above patches slightly after Elrond's review, now in branch formerge/499_avatars
Updated, the branch to current master. Elrond had this one reviewed once. Is it OK for merging?

Last edited 12 years ago by spaetz (previous) (diff)

comment:4 by Elrond, 12 years ago

Component: infrastructureprogramming

comment:5 by spaetz, 12 years ago

Keywords: review added

comment:6 by Christopher Allan Webber, 12 years ago

Keywords: review removed
Owner: set to spaetz
Status: newassigned

This looks good for what's there. However, I tend to wonder if we don't need the ability to have the avatar resized? I think it's maybe a bad thing to allow anyone to set any sized avatar... someone could upload really absurdly large and it would result in a not really great experience IMO.

I think we should have a task pushed out to celery to resize the avatar before it's added and committed.

Removing the review keyword and passing back to spaetz.

comment:7 by spaetz, 12 years ago

Aye, resizing should be done. (there is a TODO comment that it should be done actualy). I was going for babysteps here. Integrating the avatar infrastructure would have been a good first step, and resizing could have come as a second step (to make reviewing easier).

I'll see if I can get a resizing task for the avatar creation and ask for review again.

comment:8 by Christopher Allan Webber, 12 years ago


I think the resizing aspect is pretty critical to get this merged; bumping to 0.3.4

comment:9 by Christopher Allan Webber, 12 years ago

Status: assignedin_progress

Hi! I'm moving this ticket from "assigned" to in_progress per our new workflow. Please update the ticket and let us know if you're still working on this. If you are, super great! If not, we'll remove the claim and move it back to "accepted" in a couple of weeks.


comment:10 by Christopher Allan Webber, 12 years ago


Moving to 0.4.1

comment:11 by Christopher Allan Webber, 11 years ago


comment:12 by Christopher Allan Webber, 11 years ago


comment:13 by Christopher Allan Webber, 10 years ago

Milestone: 0.7.0

This isn't really urgent and so I'm removing the milestone. Someone is more than welcome to pick it up though.

comment:14 by jan, 10 years ago

I’d say this is urgent. ;)

comment:15 by spaetz, 10 years ago

Owner: spaetz removed
Status: in_progressaccepted

Sorry, I am drowning myself and won't be getting to improve this further myself.

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