Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#988 new enhancement

Meta information right next to picture is more prominent than title and description

Reported by: jan Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: graphic design/interface Keywords: medium
Cc: Parent Tickets:


Currently the layout of the picture detail page puts the meta information (upload date, tags, report image button, etc) right next to the image, making it very present.

The title, description and comments are pushed down below. Arguably these are more important than the meta information though.

A possible solution for this would be to make the image take the whole width in the first block (16 columns). Then the current sidebar would just be pushed down to start at the same height as the title and description.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Matt, 9 years ago

Hi guys, I'd first like to say thanks jan for reporting this issue.

I was just looking into this, I think potentially with this page, the main issue would be ( well at least on my screen) that the title of the picture is off screen when you get to the page, Meaning you have to scroll down to know what you are looking at. I would propose that we swap out the title name and the small meta text that says Browsing media by User, So that the title is the 1st thing you see. This is a tiny change that would make for a much nicer user experience.

Last edited 9 years ago by Matt (previous) (diff)

comment:2 by Ben Sturmfels, 8 years ago

Dealsy, would you be willing to have a shot at the change you've proposed above?

Some observations of how other sites are laid out, not that we necessarilyneed to follow their patterns:

SoundCloud and Thingiverse both show title and author above the work. YouTube, Vimeo and SlideShare put title and author below the work.

None of theses sites show metadata horizontally next to the work like MediaGoblin does. YouTube, Thingiverse and Slideshare show "secondary" information next to the work, such as sharing and commenting features, plus ads and recommendations of other things to view.

On a 24" desktop screen eg. 1920 x 1200, YouTube, Vimeo and SoundCloud use the extra horizontal space fairly well. MediaGoblin, Thingiverse and Slideshare stop at about 950px wide and could do with an additional responsive "notch" for wider screens.

While I don't consider myself an artist, I do like the "art gallery" angle that MediaGoblin originated from. If we were to tweak the layout, my guiding principle would be, how would an art gallery lay out this information?

comment:3 by Ben Sturmfels, 8 years ago

Keywords: medium added
Priority: majorminor

Marking this a "medium" as there's likely some exploratory work involved, as well as deflecting "bikeshedding".

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