{8} Active Tickets, Mine first (259 matches)

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Active Tickets (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#613 Improving Media collection programming enhancement accepted 11 years ago
#634 Implement SVG support programming enhancement pythonsnake in_progress 11 years ago
#642 Add real_world_date / date_taken field programming enhancement new 11 years ago
#659 mark_entry_failed should possibly rollback session programming enhancement new 11 years ago
#684 Allowing plugins to add commands to 'gmg' programming enhancement review 11 years ago
#719 support for timeside - an audio component programming enhancement new 11 years ago
#733 When viewing a Collection item, only cycle through the media in the Collection programming enhancement review 11 years ago
#742 Licenses display are illogical programming enhancement new 11 years ago
#745 Plugin Migration Tests programming enhancement new 11 years ago
#775 confirm on exit when uploading programming enhancement new 11 years ago
#782 Spectogram should be created client side programming enhancement accepted 11 years ago
#794 Meddleware for private instances programming enhancement new 11 years ago
#798 Change route priority : plugins should override core programming enhancement new 11 years ago
#799 Support chapters or jump labels for videos/audios programming enhancement new 11 years ago
#800 Comments to a certain timestamp/time period programming enhancement new 11 years ago
#801 Links in Videos/photos programming enhancement new 11 years ago
#804 Improve user interaction/contribution/ -> crowdsourcing programming enhancement new 11 years ago
#832 add preprocess hook to process() of media_types.image processors programming enhancement new 11 years ago
#863 A way for plugins to add translateable strings programming enhancement new 10 years ago
#893 Switch mg_globals over to using werkzeug context locals programming enhancement new 10 years ago
#960 Add search functionality programming enhancement tofay in_progress 10 years ago
#964 Enable HSTS on wiki.m.o and issues.m.o programming enhancement Simon Fondrie-Teitler new 10 years ago
#967 Ability to display panorama images as a mediatype programming enhancement new 10 years ago
#990 Upload of multiple files in one step is not possible programming enhancement new 10 years ago
#1076 videos are not supported in the API programming enhancement new 10 years ago
#1087 Smart captcha system programming enhancement new 10 years ago
#1088 Dumb / simple captchas programming enhancement new 10 years ago
#5055 Friendlier failure if Gstreamer 1.0 not installed programming enhancement new 9 years ago
#5063 better handling of bad video files programming enhancement new 9 years ago
#5319 support for HQ videos programming enhancement accepted 9 years ago
#5320 Add a logout hook programming enhancement new 9 years ago
#5328 White/blacklisting mimetypes in attachments and check file size programming enhancement molgrum in_progress 9 years ago
#5365 Some improvements to collections views programming enhancement Jessica Tallon in_progress 9 years ago
#5487 Feature: allow to rotate media after upload programming enhancement new 8 years ago
#5488 Feature: Email/notifications: allow to follow user/collection/tag/everything programming enhancement new 8 years ago
#5491 Enhancements for the media-processing panel programming enhancement new 8 years ago
#458 Functional testing via selenium, phantomjs, or similar programming task accepted 12 years ago
#595 Hook to allow plugins to alter the template for media pages programming task new 12 years ago
#596 Hook to allow plugins to do some work on page load programming task new 12 years ago
#597 Hook to allow plugins to alter the template for media edit form programming task new 12 years ago
#598 Support for UTF-8 paths programming task accepted 12 years ago
#1059 Including mediagoblin-html5-multi-upload in core programming task review 10 years ago
#5438 Address problems with blog mediatype programming task new 8 years ago
#5474 Switch assert statements into proper exceptions programming 0.11.0 defect new 8 years ago
#5599 Celery requires python3-gi and python3-gst-1.0 even when audio/video not enabled programming 0.11.0 defect new 4 years ago
#715 Move CloudFiles storage backend over to pyrax programming 0.11.0 enhancement ayleph in_progress 11 years ago
#5473 Add detailed failure message to user and admin processing panels programming 0.11.0 enhancement new 8 years ago
#728 Collection page shows thumbnails in reverse order programming 0.13.0 defect Boris Bobrov in_progress 11 years ago
#5509 Video with lower dimensions gets transcoded to higher dimensions programming 0.13.0 defect new 7 years ago
#5564 Show unprocessed media in processing panel programming 0.13.0 defect review 6 years ago
#5586 My somewhat prioritised Mediagoblin wish list programming 0.13.0 enhancement new 4 years ago
#5617 Private mode programming 0.13.0 enhancement new 4 years ago
#5619 Modernise gallery listings programming 0.13.0 enhancement new 4 years ago
#1063 Impeller should upload photos programming 1.0 defect accepted 10 years ago
#409 oEmbed support programming 1.0 enhancement accepted 12 years ago
#603 Subscribing to users across instances programming 1.0 enhancement new 12 years ago
#607 Implement WebActivities and WebIntents programming 1.0 enhancement new 12 years ago
#963 to/cc/bto/bcc not supported on activities programming 1.0 enhancement Jessica Tallon in_progress 10 years ago
#5503 Move federation code to ActivityPub spec programming 1.0 enhancement Christopher Allan Webber in_progress 7 years ago
#220 RTL (right-to-left) language support. programming defect accepted 13 years ago
#344 Properly localize dates/times programming defect accepted 13 years ago
#382 If video support is turned off after videos have been uploaded, videos are still shown and cause an error when clicked programming defect Ben Sturmfels in_progress 13 years ago
#82 "safety level"/ or some type of data for (mature) content moderation programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#126 sharing and permissions programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#162 add quoting support to tagging programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#207 Add tag list to user profile programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#227 add multi-tag views programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#247 Add a language selector programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#263 A way to choose filename different from the before-upload one programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#320 Video: Extract and save poster image programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#364 Shotwell integration with mediagoblin API programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#5605 Atom feed compatibility with podcatchers programming enhancement new 4 years ago
#5628 Select new thumbnail through GUI programming enhancement new 2 years ago
#546 Embed hcard in user profile (we claim to have one) programming defect new 12 years ago
#619 "-- Select --" at the "Add media to collection" page cannot be translated/localized programming defect new 11 years ago
#743 Avoid crash when loading STL media without Blender in the server programming defect Rodrigo Rodrigues da Silva in_progress 11 years ago
#749 With JS, videos can be (un)paused only with mouse; without JS, only with keyboard programming defect new 11 years ago
#752 Refactoring notifications to more cleanly hook into application programming defect new 11 years ago
#756 Video pane dimensions in VJS skins are too small programming defect new 11 years ago
#823 Ugly previews of scaled indexed images programming defect accepted 11 years ago
#853 No RTL layout for document pages programming defect new 10 years ago
#867 home_goblin.png is hard-coded to the /mgoblin_static path programming defect new 10 years ago
#917 Comment notifications are sent in the sender's language setting programming defect new 10 years ago
#924 LDAP authentication: configurable user attribute (currently: always 'uid') programming defect new 10 years ago
#926 LDAP authentication: use RFC 2255 LDAP URLs for more flexibility programming defect new 10 years ago
#1073 'audio' objectType is not accepted. programming defect new 10 years ago
#5061 Reporting media does not produce email or notification programming defect new 9 years ago
#5318 cannot write mode P as JPEG programming defect accepted 9 years ago
#5352 Automatically create local users on successful LDAP authentication programming defect new 9 years ago
#5364 "p" pump.io client doesn't seem to upload images programming defect new 9 years ago
#5439 Use state other than "failed" to indicate draft blog posts programming defect new 8 years ago
#5454 Add more translatable strings in blog plugin programming defect new 8 years ago
#5492 Handle errors in case of unsuccessful commenting programming defect new 7 years ago
#5510 Comments lost when navigating to next/previous media programming defect new 7 years ago
#234 Add RDFa to HTML output programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#267 counter to display access of media (showing the number of views) programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#414 Ability to delete one's own comments. programming enhancement review 12 years ago
#472 An option to use uploaded audio/video file “as is”, without transcoding programming enhancement new 12 years ago
#499 the avatar image is necessary programming enhancement accepted 12 years ago
#519 A way to link to a position in a video/audio (timestamp) programming enhancement accepted 12 years ago
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