Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#742 new enhancement

Licenses display are illogical

Reported by: Tumulte Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: programming Keywords:
Cc: Parent Tickets:


Atm, licenses use the uri as the key to retrieve the license, and the abbreviation as the name (the complete name is, afaik, isn't used anywhere)

This is not only illogical, but the licenses' text url is the thing that is most likely to change overtime (maybe not for CC's but for small licenses it can happend).

I think it's a better idea to use the full name of the license in the drop down menu, keep in mind most people don't understand much about this. CC-BY-SA is too elitist. "Creative Commons" will be more likely to ring a bell.

Here's few changes I suggest :
in submit/
[-]return [(lic.uri, lic.abbreviation) for lic in SORTED_LICENSES]
[+] return [(lic.abbreviation, for lic in SORTED_LICENSES

You'll notice this poses some visual issues : why not radio, then ? Drop down lists are usually a bad option when there's too many entry anyway.

In template :
[-] <a href="{{ media.license }}">{{ media.get_license_data().abbreviation }}</a>

[+] <a href="{{ media.get_license_data().name }}" title=" {% trans %} complete text of license{% endtrans %} : {{media.get_license_data().name }}">
[+] <acronym title="{{media.get_license_data().name }}">
[+] {{ media.get_license_data().abbreviation }}
[+] </acronym>
[+] </a>

Also solving some accessibility/semantic issues...

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Emily O'Leary, 12 years ago

Could the radio buttons be encapsulated inside of a collapsible div to keep them compact? The currently selected license could stay uncollapsed.

ASCII Mock-up

[*] Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0
( Select a different license ) 



[*] Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0
[ ] Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike
... All the licenses ...
[ ] Creative Commons Universal 1.0
[ ] All Rights Reserved

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