{2} Active Tickets by Version (259 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by version.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Results (101 - 200 of 259)

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(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#5473 Add detailed failure message to user and admin processing panels programming enhancement new 8 years ago
#5487 Feature: allow to rotate media after upload programming enhancement new 8 years ago
#5488 Feature: Email/notifications: allow to follow user/collection/tag/everything programming enhancement new 8 years ago
#5491 Enhancements for the media-processing panel programming enhancement new 8 years ago
#5503 Move federation code to ActivityPub spec programming enhancement Christopher Allan Webber in_progress 7 years ago
#5586 My somewhat prioritised Mediagoblin wish list programming enhancement new 4 years ago
#5617 Private mode programming enhancement new 4 years ago
#5619 Modernise gallery listings programming enhancement new 4 years ago
#5629 Replace media through GUI programming enhancement new 2 years ago
#595 Hook to allow plugins to alter the template for media pages programming task new 12 years ago
#596 Hook to allow plugins to do some work on page load programming task new 12 years ago
#597 Hook to allow plugins to alter the template for media edit form programming task new 12 years ago
#598 Support for UTF-8 paths programming task accepted 12 years ago
#1059 Including mediagoblin-html5-multi-upload in core programming task review 10 years ago
#5082 We need documentation about resolving user issues documentation task Jim Campbell new 9 years ago
#5438 Address problems with blog mediatype programming task new 8 years ago
#176 Return behavior after adding media is non-intuitive ui defect accepted 13 years ago
#220 RTL (right-to-left) language support. programming defect accepted 13 years ago
#244 GIF images work on media pages in most (of my personally experianced) cases, but not all. graphic design/interface defect accepted 13 years ago
#341 Simultaneous upload and metadata/description editing ui defect accepted 13 years ago
#344 Properly localize dates/times programming defect accepted 13 years ago
#382 If video support is turned off after videos have been uploaded, videos are still shown and cause an error when clicked programming defect Ben Sturmfels in_progress 13 years ago
#516 "Hidden fields" in oauth authorize client form not so hidden graphic design/interface defect joar new 12 years ago
#530 Airy: audio player’s time indicator is low-contrast graphic design/interface defect accepted 12 years ago
#546 Embed hcard in user profile (we claim to have one) programming defect new 12 years ago
#591 Default theme handles thumbnails for small pictures poorly graphic design/interface defect accepted 12 years ago
#593 Thumbnails of portrait images have inconsistent padding graphic design/interface defect accepted 12 years ago
#619 "-- Select --" at the "Add media to collection" page cannot be translated/localized programming defect new 11 years ago
#720 "file correctly uploaded" bar is misleading graphic design/interface defect accepted 11 years ago
#743 Avoid crash when loading STL media without Blender in the server programming defect Rodrigo Rodrigues da Silva in_progress 11 years ago
#749 With JS, videos can be (un)paused only with mouse; without JS, only with keyboard programming defect new 11 years ago
#752 Refactoring notifications to more cleanly hook into application programming defect new 11 years ago
#756 Video pane dimensions in VJS skins are too small programming defect new 11 years ago
#777 Not possible to edit collection item notes graphic design/interface defect accepted 11 years ago
#823 Ugly previews of scaled indexed images programming defect accepted 11 years ago
#826 Mediatype of image should provide a Download link. graphic design/interface defect new 11 years ago
#853 No RTL layout for document pages programming defect new 10 years ago
#856 Time interval localization fails graphic design/interface defect new 10 years ago
#867 home_goblin.png is hard-coded to the /mgoblin_static path programming defect new 10 years ago
#882 Moderation: reason for report looks like a comment. graphic design/interface defect new 10 years ago
#917 Comment notifications are sent in the sender's language setting programming defect new 10 years ago
#924 LDAP authentication: configurable user attribute (currently: always 'uid') programming defect new 10 years ago
#926 LDAP authentication: use RFC 2255 LDAP URLs for more flexibility programming defect new 10 years ago
#931 deployment documentation - switch to mediagoblin user with sudo documentation defect new 10 years ago
#976 Bring back the ascii goblin programming defect new 10 years ago
#1073 'audio' objectType is not accepted. programming defect new 10 years ago
#5061 Reporting media does not produce email or notification programming defect new 9 years ago
#5318 cannot write mode P as JPEG programming defect accepted 9 years ago
#5352 Automatically create local users on successful LDAP authentication programming defect new 9 years ago
#5364 "p" pump.io client doesn't seem to upload images programming defect new 9 years ago
#5376 Comment links cause server errors with recent migrations programming defect Boris Bobrov in_progress 9 years ago
#5378 video area does not fit height when video is not transcoded graphic design/interface defect new 9 years ago
#5417 Add more type icons graphic design/interface defect new 8 years ago
#5439 Use state other than "failed" to indicate draft blog posts programming defect new 8 years ago
#5454 Add more translatable strings in blog plugin programming defect new 8 years ago
#5492 Handle errors in case of unsuccessful commenting programming defect new 7 years ago
#5510 Comments lost when navigating to next/previous media programming defect new 7 years ago
#5529 "Newer" and "Older" page link captions are incorrect for Collection view graphic design/interface defect new 7 years ago
#5588 Make mediagoblin.org work on small screens graphic design/interface defect new 4 years ago
#5613 Configuration for default video quality programming defect accepted 4 years ago
#82 "safety level"/ or some type of data for (mature) content moderation programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#126 sharing and permissions programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#162 add quoting support to tagging programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#180 Have a javascript-y autocomplete feature for tags you've used before ui enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#207 Add tag list to user profile programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#227 add multi-tag views programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#234 Add RDFa to HTML output programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#247 Add a language selector programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#263 A way to choose filename different from the before-upload one programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#267 counter to display access of media (showing the number of views) programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#320 Video: Extract and save poster image programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#364 Shotwell integration with mediagoblin API programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#385 Show the original’s file size and dimensions on the file page other enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#472 An option to use uploaded audio/video file “as is”, without transcoding programming enhancement new 12 years ago
#490 Media processing panel layout improvements graphic design/interface enhancement new 12 years ago
#499 the avatar image is necessary programming enhancement accepted 12 years ago
#519 A way to link to a position in a video/audio (timestamp) programming enhancement accepted 12 years ago
#522 Allow to create a filesystem-like album hierachy programming enhancement new 12 years ago
#534 Use accesskeys in the forms graphic design/interface enhancement new 12 years ago
#545 User().unicode() should be friendlier for templates programming enhancement new 12 years ago
#579 Update/Restart processing queue on GMG startup programming enhancement new 12 years ago
#620 Error message improvments programming enhancement new 11 years ago
#635 REQUEST: Add a "like" (and maybe dislike) function graphic design/interface enhancement accepted 11 years ago
#638 meta-decorator hooks / emacs-lisp style advice programming enhancement accepted 11 years ago
#653 Add capability for embed codes to show media on other websites programming enhancement accepted 11 years ago
#673 Anonymous Commenting programming enhancement accepted 11 years ago
#696 Version checking against MediaGoblin for plugins programming enhancement accepted 11 years ago
#701 Automatically play audio / video in collections successively graphic design/interface enhancement new 11 years ago
#712 Base template should not enforce header's max-width graphic design/interface enhancement new 11 years ago
#713 Should password recovery e-mail use the website name instead of "GNU MediaGoblin"? programming enhancement new 11 years ago
#779 Feature Request: SwarmPlayer embed programming enhancement new 11 years ago
#827 Reprocessing of media should retain preview filenames programming enhancement new 11 years ago
#840 Moderation: user panel lists the number of comments posted, but not number of media posted/retained programming enhancement new 11 years ago
#857 Better audio thumbnail programming enhancement new 10 years ago
#869 user can edit and delete own comments programming enhancement new 10 years ago
#870 new media don't appear directly programming enhancement accepted 10 years ago
#872 support avatar from libravatar and Gravatar programming enhancement new 10 years ago
#881 Make notification of moderators/admins about new reports more prominent. programming enhancement new 10 years ago
#908 Calculate volume of 3D media programming enhancement Rodrigo Rodrigues da Silva in_progress 10 years ago
#925 Consider reordering the media sidebar graphic design/interface enhancement new 10 years ago
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