{2} Active Tickets by Version (259 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by version.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Results (201 - 259 of 259)

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(empty) (59 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#933 Plugins should have a way to redirect to the login page programming enhancement new 10 years ago
#986 Double confirmation needed to delete media graphic design/interface enhancement review 10 years ago
#988 Meta information right next to picture is more prominent than title and description graphic design/interface enhancement new 10 years ago
#992 Change Me "Media Processing Panel" into something more simple graphic design/interface enhancement new 10 years ago
#998 Profile in Topbar graphic design/interface enhancement new 10 years ago
#999 Notifications panel graphic design/interface enhancement Jeremy Pope in_progress 10 years ago
#5014 Add collection-based landing page that shows all users' collections (paginated) programming enhancement review 9 years ago
#5059 Switch to use argparse programming enhancement berkerpeksag in_progress 9 years ago
#5067 Add config option to always skip transcode programming enhancement review 9 years ago
#5077 share via a private link programming enhancement new 9 years ago
#5212 Custom thumbnail/media sizes for video programming enhancement review 9 years ago
#5350 More notifications options programming enhancement new 9 years ago
#5351 Add “private” setting to limit media view/access to logged-in users graphic design/interface enhancement new 9 years ago
#5360 Adding Collections to addmedia and batchaddmedia, and tags to batchaddmedia. programming enhancement review 9 years ago
#5361 Allow continuing where left off in csv for batchaddmedia programming enhancement new 9 years ago
#5370 LDAP User Filter programming enhancement new 9 years ago
#5392 Add ability to disable uploads of media type while retaining existing media of that type programming enhancement new 9 years ago
#5405 Content Security Policy programming enhancement new 9 years ago
#5418 Fix the look of media type icon graphic design/interface enhancement new 8 years ago
#5428 "Add media" and "Create new collection" placing graphic design/interface enhancement new 8 years ago
#5430 admin media processing panel should be the same as user one programming enhancement new 8 years ago
#5434 Lightbox effect for images graphic design/interface enhancement accepted 8 years ago
#5456 Add IPFS peer-to-peer based storage backend programming enhancement new 8 years ago
#5463 Allow deleting failed media from processing panel programming enhancement new 8 years ago
#5477 Browse all media programming enhancement new 8 years ago
#5480 WebTorrent programming enhancement new 8 years ago
#5489 user_ldap: Log something on failure due to SSL problems programming enhancement new 8 years ago
#5566 Display uploaded file size sum vs upload limit programming enhancement new 6 years ago
#5568 LDAP Plguin doesn't work well with Active Directory programming enhancement review 6 years ago
#5600 Mention a mail server in deployment docs documentation enhancement new 4 years ago
#5601 Mention HTTPS in deployment docs documentation enhancement new 4 years ago
#5605 Atom feed compatibility with podcatchers programming enhancement new 4 years ago
#5628 Select new thumbnail through GUI programming enhancement new 2 years ago
#350 Document what "Category" options are documentation task accepted 13 years ago
#1045 Merge sandyseventiesspeedboat into core graphic design/interface task review 10 years ago
#5341 mg-dev-environments repository needs migration to Savannah infrastructure task new 9 years ago
#714 "Change forgotten password" e-mail subject is not localizable graphic design/interface defect accepted 11 years ago
#817 4 different similar strings about Markdown graphic design/interface defect new 11 years ago
#979 Server Error is untranslatable graphic design/interface defect new 10 years ago
#5064 Add option to override ./configure'd virtualenv programming defect new 9 years ago
#5522 Add pixel to test_exif_image_orientation programming defect review 7 years ago
#164 Consider cache "table" programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#260 A way for a reader to see thumbnails/resized versions in other sizes programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#268 display where media is used (on external locations) programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#346 Keyboard shortcuts programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#348 Ads support with Open X other enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#351 Markdown editor programming enhancement accepted 13 years ago
#541 Use versioned API URLs programming enhancement joar new 12 years ago
#572 Move Columns from MediaEntry to ProcessingMetaData programming enhancement new 12 years ago
#590 Provide Markdown formatting options rather than linking to Markdown website graphic design/interface enhancement new 12 years ago
#600 "Liberate my data" (data export button) programming enhancement spaetz new 12 years ago
#816 BCV (Buscador de Contenidos en video) / BCV (content search in video) programming enhancement new 11 years ago
#947 Media type configuration options are not documented documentation enhancement accepted 10 years ago
#959 Create separate git repository for MediaGoblin themes infrastructure enhancement new 10 years ago
#1042 Embed Open Graph data into relevant pages programming enhancement new 10 years ago
#1051 "Max file size: X mb" should state "MiB", not "mb". graphic design/interface enhancement accepted 10 years ago
#5034 Inconsistent variable syntax in Makefile.in programming enhancement new 9 years ago
#5565 Display file size of uploaded media programming enhancement new 6 years ago
#5567 Allowing setting per-user upload limits programming enhancement new 6 years ago
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