Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#244 accepted defect

GIF images work on media pages in most (of my personally experianced) cases, but not all.

Reported by: joar Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: graphic design/interface Keywords:
Cc: Parent Tickets:


When the user uploads an image we convert it to one or two
additional JPEG sizes.

1. We will always create thumbnail.jpg.
2. If the image dimensions exceed one of 640x640px, we will create
3. If there exists a medium.jpg file for a media entry, we will
   show it on the media page,
   **else we will display the original file**

This means that GIF images work if the fit within 640x640px


1. Create GIF thumbnails and medium.jpg if the original is a gif

Possible setbacks with this is that some thumbnails may present a
large download despite it's small size.

Possible solutions to possible setbacks¶

It might be possible to resize a preset duration for the thumbnail
animation and create the medium.jpg (if needed) with the full

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Jef van Schendel, 13 years ago

What if, for the thumbnails, we only have a static image (the first
frame or a frame halfway, or something else). I'm thinking that if
we have a grid with a number of images and one or two are in
motion, that could be really distracting. Also, we have the title
to provide more information (you see an image a cat and a
title/caption that says "Jumping kitty", then it's pretty clear
what the gif will be like). Maybe we can add an "animation"
icon/label to the thumbnails?

Another option is to have a single frame, but loading and playing
the entire gif on mouse-over. But that sounds a lot more complex
and also might not be ideal.

comment:2 by Will Kahn-Greene, 13 years ago

The original url for this bug was .

in reply to:  1 comment:3 by joar, 12 years ago

Component: graphic design/interface

Replying to Jef van Schendel:

What if, for the thumbnails, we only have a static image (the first
frame or a frame halfway, or something else). I'm thinking that if
we have a grid with a number of images and one or two are in
motion, that could be really distracting. Also, we have the title
to provide more information (you see an image a cat and a
title/caption that says "Jumping kitty", then it's pretty clear
what the gif will be like). Maybe we can add an "animation"
icon/label to the thumbnails?

I concur, an animation icon on the thumbnail would do it I think.

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