Custom Query (636 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 636)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#18 make better sphinx templates defect trivial programming
#22 Add scaling requirements to the deployment docs defect trivial programming
#47 It is possible to register 2 accounts with same email address Elrond defect minor 0.3.0 programming
#55 Need a paginator with tests defect minor programming
#63 Canonical place for giving credits to contributors Will Kahn-Greene defect minor programming
#103 Change user status into a boolean, "active" or "is_active" defect minor programming
#107 Email verification and forgot password verification tokens should expire defect minor programming
#128 move bug tracker Will Kahn-Greene defect minor 0.2.1 component1
#159 After verifying email; the link to view user gallery doesn't work defect minor programming
#201 Video support Christopher Allan Webber defect major 0.2.1 programming
#214 Switch celery keys to be all-uppercase Larisa Hoffenbecker defect minor programming
#216 What happens when you set a slug to an existing objectid? Anything bad? defect major 0.3.3 programming
#218 Announce only mailing list Deb Nicholson defect minor programming
#222 write script to check life of server Will Kahn-Greene defect minor programming
#224 feature mentioned in text but it doesn't exist yet Caleb Davis defect critical 0.3.1 ui
#254 Directories in queue are not deleted automatically defect trivial programming
#255 Cannot delete media page if the file itself had been deleted Jorge Araya Navarro defect minor programming
#264 Make sure delete_media deletes comments defect major 0.3.0 programming
#284 Support "Orientation" EXIF tag joar defect minor 0.2.1 programming
#287 Bullet points on new website don't align with text defect minor programming
#290 This bug tracker will not let me upload screenshots. defect major programming
#291 New proposal for MediaGoblin front pages defect minor 0.2.1 component1
#293 Entering a non-ASCII password at registration causes error page defect minor 0.3.0 programming
#326 Media processing panel not showing media being processed Christopher Allan Webber defect minor programming
#332 Comments from reviewing the new video merge defect minor programming
#342 On submit page, show the site's filesize limit defect minor ui
#354 Option to stay logged in defect minor 0.5.0 programming
#355 nose and modules with optional library deps Elrond defect minor 0.3.3 programming
#358 New feed library that uses lxml defect minor programming
#359 Comment counter always uses plural Jef van Schendel defect minor 0.3.0 programming
#360 Switch Javascript back to AGPL Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.2.1 programming
#361 MediaGoblin should show an appropriate, helpful error message when uploading unsupported media type defect minor programming
#368 Automatically fill in username if user already typed it before Jakob Kramer defect minor component1
#369 Thread locally scoped gettext Jakob Kramer defect trivial 0.3.1 programming
#371 UTF-8 "ascii art" is broken (wrong encoding) joar defect trivial 0.2.1 programming
#372 update copyright statements for 2012 defect minor 0.2.1 programming
#374 Comment-field-opening “Add one” button is useless/broken/confusing when JavaScript is disabled defect minor programming
#375 Video Preload joar defect minor 0.3.0 component1
#378 CC0 licensing for MediaGoblin Sphinx (docs) theme Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.3.1 programming
#379 SQL Meta Bug defect major 0.3.0 programming
#380 SQL: celery/kombu transport database defect major 0.3.0 programming
#381 SQL Migrations Christopher Allan Webber defect major 0.3.0 programming
#386 Comment styles (by Markdown) aren't visible Jef van Schendel defect minor 0.2.1 ui
#388 `gmg wipealldata` deletes the default mediagoblin database Jakob Kramer defect major 0.3.0 component1
#390 "Separate tags by commas" should be unnecessary spaetz defect minor 0.3.2 programming
#393 UTF-8 characters in ASCII art do not get into thumbnails joar defect minor programming
#403 Add ipython support to ./bin/gmg shell hugomatic defect major 0.3.0 component1
#404 Don't save a "medium" image unless we have to Bassam Kurdali defect major 0.3.0 component1
#405 Email notifications for new comments Derek defect major 0.3.1 programming
#406 Audio support (and content sniffing branch) joar defect major 0.3.0 component1
#407 Provide link to source on mediagoblin site Christopher Allan Webber defect critical 0.3.0 component1
#411 sql: deleting media needs to delete media_data Elrond defect critical 0.3.0 component1
#412 Add instructions to install libjpeg-dev or equivalent to docs defect major documentation
#413 Arrow keys ←→ flip pages while I’m editing a comment Jakob Kramer defect trivial 0.3.0 component1
#415 Show ticket changes on mediagoblin issue tracker timeline Will Kahn-Greene defect major 0.3.0 component1
#416 Invalid input causes unhelpful error messages defect major graphic design/interface
#419 MediaGoblin can't handle (upload?) Large files defect critical 0.3.3 programming
#420 Reprocess failed uploads defect major 0.5.0 programming
#423 Mongo to SQL script doesn't set up Ascii/Audio SQL Elrond defect critical 0.3.0 component1
#425 Markdown Links in media description broken for media/dokuwiki targets Jakob Kramer defect major programming
#426 "Separate Celery" section outdated defect major documentation
#427 Improve and gather deployment documentation on additional media types defect major documentation
#429 Videos/muisc don't play because MediaGoblin should take care of mime-type before upload them to Rackspace Cloudfiles Jorge Araya Navarro defect critical 0.3.0 component1
#431 Make celeryd load logging settings from paste.ini paste_local.ini defect major 0.3.3 programming
#432 Upload media button should be more visible Jef van Schendel defect major 0.3.1 graphic design/interface
#433 Update dependencies (webob, sqlalchemy) Christopher Allan Webber defect major programming
#434 Two step guide to lower-footprint mediagoblin server deployments defect major programming
#435 Wrong MIMEtype for audio source joar defect major 0.3.0 programming
#436 MediaGoblin PuSH should happen post-processing defect major 0.3.3 programming
#437 Wrap bio text in <div> instead of <p> Christopher Allan Webber defect major graphic design/interface
#438 Celeryd Segmentation Fault Jorge Araya Navarro defect blocker programming
#439 kicks up KeyError: u'No such transport: sqlite' Christopher Allan Webber defect major 0.3.0 programming
#440 revision for the spanish translation Jorge Araya Navarro defect major 0.3.0 graphic design/interface
#441 remove mongodb bits from documentation defect blocker 0.3.0 documentation
#442 migration tests fail defect blocker 0.3.0 programming
#443 gmg wipealldata fails if you don't have mongodb defect critical 0.3.0 programming
#448 SQLAlchemy session error [was: JPG upload fails] joar defect major programming
#452 Test fails because table "ascii__mediadata" does not exist defect minor programming
#456 Unhandled exception after failed upload Elrond defect major 0.3.3 programming
#457 need to be more obvious regarding contributor-ship in docs/ defect major 0.3.1 documentation
#460 AttributeError: VideoTranscoder instance has no attribute 'dst_data' defect major 0.8.0 programming
#461 Add X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff to default nginx config in docs pythonsnake defect major documentation
#468 Extra forms of Markdown we should be supporting but aren't Jakob Kramer defect minor programming
#474 Change password is on the same page as the rest of the account settings defect major 0.4.0 graphic design/interface
#475 Checkbox for email notifications sits above its label Emily O'Leary defect major 0.3.2 graphic design/interface
#476 document plugin infrastructure bits defect major documentation
#478 Recover and reset theme on defect minor infrastructure
#479 Hovering over an image makes the pointer icon “enlarge”/“zoom in”, even if click does nothing. joar defect trivial 0.3.2 programming
#480 irclogs directory doesn't have indexing turned on defect major infrastructure
#481 Audio transcoding easily hogs up much space on /tmp defect major programming
#483 Default “empty” background does not work for Airy Jef van Schendel defect major 0.3.2 graphic design/interface
#487 submission tests fail defect major 0.3.1 programming
#491 Location parsing has inverted latitude defect major 0.3.2 programming
#496 Airy theme needs a fitting feed (Atom/RSS) icon defect minor graphic design/interface
#498 Find a different icon for collections defect major 0.3.3 graphic design/interface
#500 Cannot upload media with non-ASCII characters in file names; such attachments end up typeless. defect minor 0.5.0 programming
#502 Online/downloadable video has “640p” in its name, but 640 is the bigger side, not the height. defect minor programming
#505 upgrade to trac 1.0 defect major infrastructure
#509 Extract media file submission logic into common library Elrond defect major 0.3.3 programming
#510 Non-ASCII characters in the slug make the media page inaccessible (Server Error). joar defect critical 0.3.2 programming
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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