Opened 13 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#416 closed defect (fixed)

Invalid input causes unhelpful error messages

Reported by: Jef van Schendel Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: graphic design/interface Keywords:
Cc: Parent Tickets:


Two related bugs:


  • Go to the Recover Password page.
  • Enter an invalid username/email (e.g. one that contains spaces).
  • Press submit button.

The form returns the "Incorrect input" error.


  • Go to the Create An Account page.
  • Enter an invalid username (e.g. one that contains spaces).
  • Press submit button.

The form returns the "Invalid input." error.

/me leaves mid-ticket, I'll improve this description later.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Jef van Schendel, 13 years ago

Ahem. So! I'm back. :)

Where was I... Right, so these two actions return unhelpful error messages, "Incorrect input" and "Invalid input.", respectively. Bug number 2 also exists on the Log In page.

What they should show:

  • A more descriptive message.
  • If applicable, a suggestion to fix the issue.

comment:2 by Christopher Allan Webber, 13 years ago

Component: component1graphic design/interface

I marked this as UI, but I'm not sure it is :)

comment:3 by ShawnRisk, 12 years ago

Owner: somebody removed
Status: newassigned

comment:4 by Emily O'Leary, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

This seems to have been fixed. It now says "Logging in failed!" if you enter an incorrect username and/or password. This message seems to conform to the general practice in security for login forms.

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