Opened 13 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#434 closed defect (fixed)

Two step guide to lower-footprint mediagoblin server deployments

Reported by: Christopher Allan Webber Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: programming Keywords:
Cc: Matt Bone Parent Tickets:


We should make the mediagoblin deployment setup a "lower footprint" by default. There are two easy ways to do this:

  • Switch mediagoblin paste/wsgi deployment from mutliple processes to threaded. This requires #369 be resolved first.
  • Switch default celery deployment from multiprocess to gevent. This will save memory and reduce time between the initialization of each process.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Christopher Allan Webber, 13 years ago

Component: component1programming

comment:2 by ShawnRisk, 12 years ago

Owner: somebody removed
Status: newassigned

comment:3 by Jakob Kramer, 12 years ago

#369 has been resolved, the green light for solving this one?

comment:4 by Christopher Allan Webber, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Ah yeah, I think this can be closed. Closing!

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