Opened 13 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#358 closed defect (fixed)

New feed library that uses lxml

Reported by: Christopher Allan Webber Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: programming Keywords: kuneco
Cc: Parent Tickets:

Description (last modified by Christopher Allan Webber)

We're finding that our present feeds aren't extensible enough
and... well, we need to extend them! Inconexo is already working on
this in a branch:

[\ :sub:`inconexo/mediagoblin/inconexos-mediagoblin/commits/feed\_library](`\ inconexo/mediagoblin/inconexos-mediagoblin/commits/feed\_library)

I'll leave comments on that as I read through here.

Change History (10)

comment:1 by Christopher Allan Webber, 13 years ago

So a couple of things:

-  I'm looking at this code and it's looking good so far. I have
   more reviewing to do yet, but... so far so good. More detailed
   comments shortly.
-  We're basing this off of werkzeug, which is BSD-licensed. The
   code is pretty changed, but all the scaffolding is there, and it's
   clearly a derivative. As such, if we include this in
   mediagoblin-proper, we need to comply with mixing \*GPL +
   MIT/BSD/etc rules. See section 2.2 of:
   ` <>`_
-  I actually wonder if this should be a separate library or not.
   In fact, I talked with the werkzeug people, and they seemed
   interested in us making this a 3rd party BSD-licensed library, and
   if we did so, they'd deprecate their current atom module from which
   this is based and make this the official one. I feel like if we do
   that, it **should** be BSD based, to show we respect the original
   developers' licensing intents. Are you possibly interested in that,

comment:2 by Inconexo ø, 13 years ago

Perfect to me. I'll look what's needed to mix the code as I haven't
done it before. Tomorrow I will take a look at your link.

If werkzeug people want to use my code, I will feel very cool. I
usually use GPL for my projects, but as I have made such use of
their work, I also feel licensing in BSD is the right thing to do.

We'll talk other day on the details, cool?

comment:3 by Elrond, 13 years ago

Just an update:
People are working on kuneco right away. Just nobody cared to
update the bug.

comment:4 by Will Kahn-Greene, 13 years ago

The original url for this bug was .
#328: blocks

comment:5 by Elrond, 13 years ago

Milestone: 0.2.1

comment:6 by Elrond, 13 years ago

Keywords: kuneco added

comment:7 by Christopher Allan Webber, 12 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Owner: changed from Inconexo ø to spaetz
Status: acceptedassigned

Spaetz apparently has a branch that's working on this but I'm not sure what it is.

Also I'll be revitalizing kuneco soon.

But for now I'm assigning to spaetz. Spaetz, could you attach your branch? :)

comment:8 by Christopher Allan Webber, 12 years ago

Status: assignedin_progress

Hi! I'm moving this ticket from "assigned" to in_progress per our new workflow. Please update the ticket and let us know if you're still working on this. If you are, super great! If not, we'll remove the claim and move it back to "accepted" in a couple of weeks.


comment:9 by spaetz, 10 years ago

Owner: spaetz removed
Resolution: fixed
Status: in_progressclosed

comment:10 by Christopher Allan Webber, 10 years ago

This is closed as fixed, but was anything committed to this? I didn't see it, but maybe I'm missing something! We should probably move it to "wontfix" if not.

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