Open Tickets (259 matches)



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Results (201 - 259 of 259)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#5392 Add ability to disable uploads of media type while retaining existing media of that type new enhancement minor
#5405 Content Security Policy new enhancement minor
#5417 Add more type icons new defect minor 0.11.0
#5418 Fix the look of media type icon new enhancement minor 0.11.0
#5428 "Add media" and "Create new collection" placing new enhancement minor
#5430 admin media processing panel should be the same as user one new enhancement minor 0.11.0
#5438 Address problems with blog mediatype new task major
#5439 Use state other than "failed" to indicate draft blog posts new defect minor
#5447 Make disabling plugins less tricky new defect major
#5454 Add more translatable strings in blog plugin new defect minor
#5456 Add IPFS peer-to-peer based storage backend new enhancement minor
#5463 Allow deleting failed media from processing panel new enhancement minor
#5473 Add detailed failure message to user and admin processing panels new enhancement major 0.11.0
#5474 Switch assert statements into proper exceptions new defect major 0.11.0
#5477 Browse all media new enhancement minor
#5480 WebTorrent new enhancement minor
#5486 Mark all read does not mark all read new defect major
#5487 Feature: allow to rotate media after upload new enhancement major
#5488 Feature: Email/notifications: allow to follow user/collection/tag/everything new enhancement major
#5489 user_ldap: Log something on failure due to SSL problems new enhancement minor
#5491 Enhancements for the media-processing panel new enhancement major
#5492 Handle errors in case of unsuccessful commenting new defect minor
#5509 Video with lower dimensions gets transcoded to higher dimensions new defect major 0.13.0
#5510 Comments lost when navigating to next/previous media new defect minor
#5528 xss in videojs-swf new defect major
#5529 "Newer" and "Older" page link captions are incorrect for Collection view new defect minor 0.13.0
#5565 Display file size of uploaded media new enhancement trivial
#5566 Display uploaded file size sum vs upload limit new enhancement minor
#5567 Allowing setting per-user upload limits new enhancement trivial
#5586 My somewhat prioritised Mediagoblin wish list new enhancement major 0.13.0
#5588 Make work on small screens new defect minor
#5599 Celery requires python3-gi and python3-gst-1.0 even when audio/video not enabled new defect major 0.11.0
#5600 Mention a mail server in deployment docs new enhancement minor 0.11.0
#5601 Mention HTTPS in deployment docs new enhancement minor 0.11.0
#5605 Atom feed compatibility with podcatchers new enhancement minor
#5616 Update Leaflet.js, jQuery, Video.js - heck, check and upgrade them all! new defect critical 0.11.0
#5617 Private mode new enhancement major 0.13.0
#5619 Modernise gallery listings new enhancement major 0.13.0
#5623 im unable to play videos after disableing transcoding new defect major
#5628 Select new thumbnail through GUI new enhancement minor
#5629 Replace media through GUI new enhancement major
#574 Add slideshow view reopened enhancement major
#212 Use werkzeug as a caching abstraction layer (was: «use beaker») review defect major
#414 Ability to delete one's own comments. review enhancement minor
#684 Allowing plugins to add commands to 'gmg' review enhancement major
#733 When viewing a Collection item, only cycle through the media in the Collection review enhancement major
#986 Double confirmation needed to delete media review enhancement minor
#1045 Merge sandyseventiesspeedboat into core review task minor 0.11.0
#1059 Including mediagoblin-html5-multi-upload in core review task major
#5014 Add collection-based landing page that shows all users' collections (paginated) review enhancement minor
#5067 Add config option to always skip transcode review enhancement minor
#5212 Custom thumbnail/media sizes for video review enhancement minor
#5360 Adding Collections to addmedia and batchaddmedia, and tags to batchaddmedia. review enhancement minor
#5404 X-Frame-Options for admin/moderator views review defect major
#5443 Theater mode for videos in MediaGoblin review enhancement major
#5522 Add pixel to test_exif_image_orientation review defect trivial 0.13.0
#5544 Orphaned notifications review defect critical
#5564 Show unprocessed media in processing panel review defect major 0.13.0
#5568 LDAP Plguin doesn't work well with Active Directory review enhancement minor 0.13.0
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