Open Tickets (259 matches)



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Results (201 - 259 of 259)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#593 Thumbnails of portrait images have inconsistent padding accepted defect minor
#856 Time interval localization fails new defect minor
#627 URL redirect after login breaks with URL encoded characters new defect major
#823 Ugly previews of scaled indexed images accepted defect minor
#5346 Unclear copyright of extlib/thingiview.js new defect major
#5616 Update Leaflet.js, jQuery, Video.js - heck, check and upgrade them all! new defect critical 0.11.0
#579 Update/Restart processing queue on GMG startup new enhancement minor
#990 Upload of multiple files in one step is not possible new enhancement major
#534 Use accesskeys in the forms new enhancement minor
#5439 Use state other than "failed" to indicate draft blog posts new defect minor
#541 Use versioned API URLs new joar enhancement trivial
#212 Use werkzeug as a caching abstraction layer (was: «use beaker») review defect major
#545 User().unicode() should be friendlier for templates new enhancement minor
#696 Version checking against MediaGoblin for plugins accepted enhancement minor
#756 Video pane dimensions in VJS skins are too small new defect minor
#5509 Video with lower dimensions gets transcoded to higher dimensions new defect major 0.13.0
#320 Video: Extract and save poster image accepted enhancement minor
#1004 Videoplayer has wrong height for videos with width>640 accepted defect major
#5082 We need documentation about resolving user issues new Jim Campbell task major
#5480 WebTorrent new enhancement minor
#733 When viewing a Collection item, only cycle through the media in the Collection review enhancement major
#5328 White/blacklisting mimetypes in attachments and check file size in_progress molgrum enhancement major
#749 With JS, videos can be (un)paused only with mouse; without JS, only with keyboard new defect minor
#5404 X-Frame-Options for admin/moderator views review defect major
#508 You shouldn't have to upload a whole file to find out mediagoblin doesn't support it accepted defect major
#227 add multi-tag views accepted enhancement minor
#832 add preprocess hook to process() of media_types.image processors new enhancement major
#162 add quoting support to tagging accepted enhancement minor
#5430 admin media processing panel should be the same as user one new enhancement minor 0.11.0
#5483 audio player is not accessible with screen readers accepted defect major
#5063 better handling of bad video files new enhancement major
#5437 blog media_type uses inconsistent naming in_progress ayleph defect major
#772 browser warning when you try to close mb when active editing new defect major
#5318 cannot write mode P as JPEG accepted defect minor
#775 confirm on exit when uploading new enhancement major
#267 counter to display access of media (showing the number of views) accepted enhancement minor
#931 deployment documentation - switch to mediagoblin user with sudo new defect minor
#5316 disallow creating blog post without title in_progress ayleph defect major
#268 display where media is used (on external locations) accepted enhancement trivial
#867 home_goblin.png is hard-coded to the /mgoblin_static path new defect minor
#5623 im unable to play videos after disableing transcoding new defect major
#659 mark_entry_failed should possibly rollback session new enhancement major
#638 meta-decorator hooks / emacs-lisp style advice accepted enhancement minor
#5341 mg-dev-environments repository needs migration to Savannah new task minor
#870 new media don't appear directly accepted enhancement minor
#409 oEmbed support accepted enhancement major 1.0
#5077 share via a private link new enhancement minor
#126 sharing and permissions accepted enhancement minor
#872 support avatar from libravatar and Gravatar new enhancement minor
#5319 support for HQ videos accepted enhancement major
#719 support for timeside - an audio component new enhancement major
#499 the avatar image is necessary accepted enhancement minor
#963 to/cc/bto/bcc not supported on activities in_progress Jessica Tallon enhancement major 1.0
#869 user can edit and delete own comments new enhancement minor
#5489 user_ldap: Log something on failure due to SSL problems new enhancement minor
#5378 video area does not fit height when video is not transcoded new defect minor
#1076 videos are not supported in the API new enhancement major
#467 write test scaffolding for core plugins accepted enhancement major
#5528 xss in videojs-swf new defect major
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