Open Tickets (259 matches)



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Results (201 - 259 of 259)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#838 Moderation: report panel: "Action Taken" shows a date in the past (report date?). new defect major
#853 No RTL layout for document pages new defect minor
#856 Time interval localization fails new defect minor
#862 Not require the "mediagoblin" user during install (or, other permissions solutions) new defect major 0.12.0
#867 home_goblin.png is hard-coded to the /mgoblin_static path new defect minor
#882 Moderation: reason for report looks like a comment. new defect minor
#890 Cannot detect zh_TW and zh_CN due to language list change in babel new defect major
#917 Comment notifications are sent in the sender's language setting new defect minor
#924 LDAP authentication: configurable user attribute (currently: always 'uid') new defect minor
#926 LDAP authentication: use RFC 2255 LDAP URLs for more flexibility new defect minor
#931 deployment documentation - switch to mediagoblin user with sudo new defect minor
#941 OpenID fails with https site new defect major
#958 Spectrogram thumbnail creation fails with non-local file storage new defect major
#973 Re-enable check_db_up_to_date() in after fixing session issues in_progress Christopher Allan Webber defect critical
#976 Bring back the ascii goblin new defect minor 0.11.0
#979 Server Error is untranslatable new defect trivial
#1004 Videoplayer has wrong height for videos with width>640 accepted defect major
#1006 CSRF cookie not set if visiting a media page directly new defect major
#1014 Skeleton required for using mediagoblin, but not included in pypi new defect major
#1061 Media gets stuck in processing new defect major
#1063 Impeller should upload photos accepted defect major 1.0
#1070 Handling languages Babel currently doesn't (Na'vi, Lojban) accepted defect major
#1073 'audio' objectType is not accepted. new defect minor
#5061 Reporting media does not produce email or notification new defect minor
#5064 Add option to override ./configure'd virtualenv new defect trivial
#5316 disallow creating blog post without title in_progress ayleph defect major
#5318 cannot write mode P as JPEG accepted defect minor
#5334 Playing MediaGoblin music on smartphones seems problematic? new defect major
#5346 Unclear copyright of extlib/thingiview.js new defect major
#5352 Automatically create local users on successful LDAP authentication new defect minor
#5364 "p" client doesn't seem to upload images new defect minor
#5376 Comment links cause server errors with recent migrations in_progress Boris Bobrov defect minor 1.0
#5378 video area does not fit height when video is not transcoded new defect minor
#5380 API limits outbox queries past 20 new defect major
#5404 X-Frame-Options for admin/moderator views review defect major
#5417 Add more type icons new defect minor 0.11.0
#5437 blog media_type uses inconsistent naming in_progress ayleph defect major
#5439 Use state other than "failed" to indicate draft blog posts new defect minor
#5444 Implement 'type_match_handler' hook for all core media types in_progress ayleph defect major
#5447 Make disabling plugins less tricky new defect major
#5454 Add more translatable strings in blog plugin new defect minor
#5474 Switch assert statements into proper exceptions new defect major 0.11.0
#5483 audio player is not accessible with screen readers accepted defect major
#5485 Audio player controls not announced to Orca screenreader accepted defect major
#5486 Mark all read does not mark all read new defect major
#5492 Handle errors in case of unsuccessful commenting new defect minor
#5502 Does not work with LibreJS in_progress Andreas Nilsson defect major 0.13.0
#5509 Video with lower dimensions gets transcoded to higher dimensions new defect major 0.13.0
#5510 Comments lost when navigating to next/previous media new defect minor
#5522 Add pixel to test_exif_image_orientation review defect trivial 0.13.0
#5528 xss in videojs-swf new defect major
#5529 "Newer" and "Older" page link captions are incorrect for Collection view new defect minor 0.13.0
#5544 Orphaned notifications review defect critical
#5564 Show unprocessed media in processing panel review defect major 0.13.0
#5588 Make work on small screens new defect minor
#5599 Celery requires python3-gi and python3-gst-1.0 even when audio/video not enabled new defect major 0.11.0
#5613 Configuration for default video quality accepted defect minor 0.13.0
#5616 Update Leaflet.js, jQuery, Video.js - heck, check and upgrade them all! new defect critical 0.11.0
#5623 im unable to play videos after disableing transcoding new defect major
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