Custom Query (636 matches)


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Results (601 - 636 of 636)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#5543 mediagoblin/api/host-meta.xml template not found defect major programming
#5545 Missing celeryd executable on a fresh clone defect major programming
#5551 install instructions and git submodules use git:// instead of https:// defect major programming
#5558 apache config files on wiki don't work defect major programming
#5563 Moderation processing panel is missing header column for thumbnail defect trivial programming
#5570 Adding Collections - Prevents Adding Media under Python 3.5 defect major programming
#5572 Server crash when trying to view "about" page of blog for nonexistent user defect major programming
#5575 Upgrade setuptools and pip in Makefile defect major programming
#5576 Add *.swo to .gitignore defect trivial programming
#5578 Add datetime_format config option enhancement minor programming
#5579 [PATCH] Fix comments in docker-compose.yml enhancement minor programming
#5582 dbupdate fails with configobj.MissingInterpolationOption error defect major programming
#5585 Testing the new contributor experience defect major programming
#5589 Are subtitles working? defect major 0.10.0 programming
#5590 Videos are muted by default defect minor 0.10.0 programming
#5592 Make "–with-python3" the default task critical 0.10.0 programming
#5593 Update deployment docs for Debian 10 and Fedora 31 defect critical 0.10.0 programming
#5594 Remove audio spectrograms (cleanup now unused code) defect minor 0.11.0 programming
#5595 Pin current Python 2 dependencies at <= latest working version defect minor 0.10.0 programming
#5598 Add deprecation warning for Python 2 defect critical 0.10.0 programming
#5604 Enabling audio and video marks all previous uploads as failed defect minor 0.11.0 programming
#5607 Make LDAP plugin Python3 compatible defect minor programming
#5608 After upgrade to 0.10.0 restarting marks all items as "failed" defect major 0.12.0 programming
#5609 Celery connection to RabbitMQ errors at start or after running for a few minutes defect major programming
#5610 Re-Enable Audio Spectrogram for Python 3 defect major programming
#5611 Upgrade issue from 0.9 to 0.10 enhancement minor programming
#5612 Atom feed shows bad web link defect major 0.13.0 programming
#5615 Find out about the package.json mentioned in extlib/README defect minor programming
#5618 Add some example config enhancement trivial 0.11.0 programming
#5620 Download link missing on 0.10 defect major 0.11.0 programming
#5624 Cannot use sqlalchemy >= 1.4.0: set_models_as_attributes() troubles defect major programming
#5625 Video preload is set to preload="auto" defect minor programming
#5626 Upgrade issue from 0.10 to 0.11 defect major 0.12.0 programming
#224 feature mentioned in text but it doesn't exist yet Caleb Davis defect critical 0.3.1 ui
#342 On submit page, show the site's filesize limit defect minor ui
#386 Comment styles (by Markdown) aren't visible Jef van Schendel defect minor 0.2.1 ui
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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