Opened 5 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#5604 closed defect (fixed)

Enabling audio and video marks all previous uploads as failed

Reported by: Ben Sturmfels Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: 0.11.0
Component: programming Keywords:
Cc: Olivier Mehani Parent Tickets:


During my Debian 10 install testing, I noticed that after I enabled audio, my uploaded images were marked as failed processing and return 404. Then after uploading some audio and enabling video, all my audio was similarly marked as failed. It's fine for new uploads from there on, but the failed items remain failed.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Olivier Mehani, 5 years ago

Cc: Olivier Mehani added

comment:2 by Ben Sturmfels, 4 years ago

Olivier, would you mind testing this please:

  1. Upload an image, then view the image page.
  2. Stop celery. Do you see a "restoring 1 unacknowledged message" in Celery's logs?
  3. Restart celery. do you see ""Received task: process_media" in Celery's logs?
  4. When you refresh that image page, does it show 404?


comment:3 by Ben Sturmfels, 4 years ago

Hi again Olivier. I believe that I've now fixed a similar issue #5608.

Please try adding the following setting in your mediagablin.ini and restarting the Celery process.


Then upload a new image, view the image detail page, restart Celery and confirm that the image is still available. If so, I think we're all good to go.

This fix will in the upcoming 0.12.0 release.

Last edited 4 years ago by Ben Sturmfels (previous) (diff)

comment:4 by Ben Sturmfels, 4 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Olivier is now using a Docker-based deployment method that doesn't seem to be affected. Closing this issue - likely fixed anyway.

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