Custom Query (33 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (30 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Created
#411 sql: deleting media needs to delete media_data Elrond defect critical component1 12 years
#440 revision for the spanish translation Jorge Araya Navarro defect major graphic design/interface 12 years
#441 remove mongodb bits from documentation defect blocker documentation 12 years
#402 nicer skin for video entries Christopher Allan Webber enhancement major component1 12 years
#442 migration tests fail defect blocker programming 12 years
#439 kicks up KeyError: u'No such transport: sqlite' Christopher Allan Webber defect major programming 12 years
#443 gmg wipealldata fails if you don't have mongodb defect critical programming 12 years
#384 docs do not bear copyright/license notices Christopher Allan Webber task critical documentation 12 years
#388 `gmg wipealldata` deletes the default mediagoblin database Jakob Kramer defect major component1 12 years
#435 Wrong MIMEtype for audio source joar defect major programming 12 years
#429 Videos/muisc don't play because MediaGoblin should take care of mime-type before upload them to Rackspace Cloudfiles Jorge Araya Navarro defect critical component1 12 years
#375 Video Preload joar defect minor component1 12 years
#415 Show ticket changes on mediagoblin issue tracker timeline Will Kahn-Greene defect major component1 12 years
#380 SQL: celery/kombu transport database defect major programming 12 years
#381 SQL Migrations Christopher Allan Webber defect major programming 12 years
#379 SQL Meta Bug defect major programming 12 years
#261 Resized images should have individual (detailed) filenames (not just medium.jpg or thumbnail.jpg) enhancement minor programming 13 years
#407 Provide link to source on mediagoblin site Christopher Allan Webber defect critical component1 12 years
#423 Mongo to SQL script doesn't set up Ascii/Audio SQL Elrond defect critical component1 12 years
#399 MediaEntry.media_data integration Elrond task major component1 12 years
#264 Make sure delete_media deletes comments defect major programming 13 years
#47 It is possible to register 2 accounts with same email address Elrond defect minor programming 13 years
#96 Integrate the appearance of the documentation with the rest of the MediaGoblin site Jim Campbell task minor documentation 13 years
#293 Entering a non-ASCII password at registration causes error page defect minor programming 13 years
#404 Don't save a "medium" image unless we have to Bassam Kurdali defect major component1 12 years
#270 Create shell scripts to ease launching of celeryd with a local .ini enhancement major programming 13 years
#359 Comment counter always uses plural Jef van Schendel defect minor programming 12 years
#406 Audio support (and content sniffing branch) joar defect major component1 12 years
#413 Arrow keys ←→ flip pages while I’m editing a comment Jakob Kramer defect trivial component1 12 years
#403 Add ipython support to ./bin/gmg shell hugomatic defect major component1 12 years

Resolution: wontfix (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Created
#243 Add minimized exception to javascript headers when we start adding them :) defect critical programming 13 years

Resolution: duplicate (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Created
#408 Localized dates and times enhancement major component1 12 years
#334 Display number of views a media object has had defect minor programming 12 years
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.