Custom Query (18 matches)


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Status: closed (18 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#156 Use wtforms.render_divs(form) again Caleb Davis defect minor FIXED 13 years
#194 email validation assumes user is logged in Caleb Davis defect minor FIXED 13 years
#208 If there are no next and previous media, the navigation buttons should not appear Caleb Davis defect minor FIXED 13 years
#51 Handing of bad media types (html!) Jakob Kramer defect major FIXED 14 years
#166 Custom grid generator Karen Rustad defect minor FIXED 13 years
#193 {% trans %}'ify our templates Osama Khalid defect minor FIXED 13 years
#33 Translations Christopher Allan Webber defect minor FIXED 14 years
#86 MediaEntry.thumbnail_file not used Christopher Allan Webber defect trivial FIXED 14 years
#114 Ability to delete media Christopher Allan Webber defect minor FIXED 13 years
#184 Implement Cloud Files public storage backend Christopher Allan Webber defect minor FIXED 13 years
#188 Media attachments Christopher Allan Webber defect minor FIXED 13 years
#195 SMTP configuration options Christopher Allan Webber defect minor FIXED 13 years
#198 Actively create MediaEntry ObjectId() instead of relying on to make it Christopher Allan Webber defect minor FIXED 13 years
#219 CloudFilesStorage.get_file() performance issue. Christopher Allan Webber defect minor FIXED 13 years
#196 Change storage configuration in .ini Elrond enhancement minor FIXED 13 years
#31 Tool to create a tarball of the current environment (database, media files, etc) joar defect minor FIXED 14 years
#215 Some `medium.jpg` images are not saved to CloudFiles successfully. joar defect minor FIXED 13 years
#223 AttributeError: 'CloudFilesStorage' object has no attribute 'StorageObjectWrapper' joar defect minor FIXED 13 years
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.