Custom Query (36 matches)


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Status: closed (36 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#511 VideoThumbnailerMarkII creates one-pixel height thumbnails. pythonsnake defect blocker fixed 12 years
#646 Problem with ./bin/gmg theme assetlink Christopher Allan Webber defect blocker fixed 12 years
#419 MediaGoblin can't handle (upload?) Large files defect critical fixed 13 years
#578 Do not transcode video if it does not make sense joar enhancement critical fixed 12 years
#587 Removed MediaEntry returns 500 instead of 404 defect critical fixed 12 years
#611 Account deletion does not delete the media entries Elrond defect critical fixed 12 years
#616 Deleting user account crashes if you have attachements on your media Elrond defect critical fixed 12 years
#621 template hook stops string extraction Elrond defect critical fixed 12 years
#655 Mediagoblin gives an error when trying to add an item to an existing collection Elrond defect critical fixed 12 years
#216 What happens when you set a slug to an existing objectid? Anything bad? defect major fixed 13 years
#430 Filter By Tags Under User Christopher Allan Webber enhancement major fixed 13 years
#431 Make celeryd load logging settings from paste.ini paste_local.ini defect major fixed 13 years
#436 MediaGoblin PuSH should happen post-processing defect major fixed 13 years
#456 Unhandled exception after failed upload Elrond defect major fixed 13 years
#477 Move OpenStreetMap/geolocation support to plugin Christopher Allan Webber task major fixed 12 years
#509 Extract media file submission logic into common library Elrond defect major fixed 12 years
#537 Show what version number a site is running in footer hover text pythonsnake defect major fixed 12 years
#540 Add "delete" function to MediaEntry task major fixed 12 years
#555 ForgotPassword view needs improvement defect major fixed 12 years
#561 Audio and video should use workbench instead of tempfiles defect major fixed 12 years
#564 Cookie blocking leads to cryptic errors defect major fixed 12 years
#565 Make workbench easier to use defect major fixed 12 years
#570 Crash after adding media to an unspecified collection defect major fixed 12 years
#577 De-noisify video transcoding defect major fixed 12 years
#585 When publishing through API, no PuSH to push_urls defect major fixed 12 years
#588 Make profile editing URL consistent Christopher Allan Webber enhancement major fixed 12 years
#589 Reduce test suite run time enhancement major fixed 12 years
#615 UndefinedError: 'configobj.Section object' has no attribute 'geolocation_map_visible' Elrond defect major fixed 12 years
#302 Support deletion of an account by its owner spaetz enhancement minor fixed 13 years
#355 nose and modules with optional library deps Elrond defect minor fixed 13 years
#507 Possibly get rid of WebOb, Routes, Beaker? task minor fixed 12 years
#521 Allow to set default license for uploads spaetz enhancement minor fixed 12 years
#526 Provide a list of collections for site visitors Elrond enhancement minor fixed 12 years
#571 Collection descriptions don't support Markdown but pretend they do Tiberiu C. Turbureanu defect minor fixed 12 years
#575 Need Test for "The API" joar enhancement minor fixed 12 years
#581 Mention mediagoblin/config_spec.ini in mediagoblin.ini pythonsnake enhancement minor fixed 12 years
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.