Custom Query (636 matches)


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Results (601 - 636 of 636)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#978 Deployment docs need updating to reflect change from paster to gunircorn defect major 0.9.0 documentation
#1019 Bad link Plugin API documentation defect minor documentation
#5021 bin/gmg not created in new install defect major 0.8.0 documentation
#5073 Add autoconf, automake to dependency list defect minor 0.8.0 documentation
#5075 Add npm to dependency list defect major 0.8.0 documentation
#5310 Incorrect syntax in latest postgres docs defect major 0.8.0 documentation
#5325 page links to defect major documentation
#5357 ASCII typo on tour defect trivial documentation
#5359 Typo in deployment documentation defect trivial documentation
#5385 hacking installation instructions are incomplete for Debian Jessie defect major documentation
#5393 Corrections to Site Administrator’s Guide defect minor documentation
#5402 no instructions for python3 defect minor 0.9.0 documentation
#5429 Update documentation to reflect changes to mediagoblin.ini defect minor 0.10.0 documentation
#5490 Provide direct links in site-admin foreword documentation enhancement minor documentation
#5496 413 Request Entity Too Large enhancement trivial documentation
#5517 Change docs to clone repo using https:// instead of git:// enhancement major documentation
#5587 Drop fastcgi as a deployment option from our documentation enhancement minor documentation
#5596 In docs "--with-python3" has been converted to display a single "em dash" defect major 0.10.0 documentation
#5597 There's a "latest" version of docs that doesn't have a clear purpose defect minor 0.10.0 documentation
#5614 Document setup of single virtualenv/multiple MediaGoblin instances defect minor documentation
#128 move bug tracker Will Kahn-Greene defect minor 0.2.1 component1
#291 New proposal for MediaGoblin front pages defect minor 0.2.1 component1
#368 Automatically fill in username if user already typed it before Jakob Kramer defect minor component1
#375 Video Preload joar defect minor 0.3.0 component1
#388 `gmg wipealldata` deletes the default mediagoblin database Jakob Kramer defect major 0.3.0 component1
#399 MediaEntry.media_data integration Elrond task major 0.3.0 component1
#402 nicer skin for video entries Christopher Allan Webber enhancement major 0.3.0 component1
#403 Add ipython support to ./bin/gmg shell hugomatic defect major 0.3.0 component1
#404 Don't save a "medium" image unless we have to Bassam Kurdali defect major 0.3.0 component1
#406 Audio support (and content sniffing branch) joar defect major 0.3.0 component1
#407 Provide link to source on mediagoblin site Christopher Allan Webber defect critical 0.3.0 component1
#411 sql: deleting media needs to delete media_data Elrond defect critical 0.3.0 component1
#413 Arrow keys ←→ flip pages while I’m editing a comment Jakob Kramer defect trivial 0.3.0 component1
#415 Show ticket changes on mediagoblin issue tracker timeline Will Kahn-Greene defect major 0.3.0 component1
#423 Mongo to SQL script doesn't set up Ascii/Audio SQL Elrond defect critical 0.3.0 component1
#429 Videos/muisc don't play because MediaGoblin should take care of mime-type before upload them to Rackspace Cloudfiles Jorge Araya Navarro defect critical 0.3.0 component1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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