Custom Query (23 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Component
#164 Consider cache "table" accepted enhancement programming
#260 A way for a reader to see thumbnails/resized versions in other sizes accepted enhancement programming
#268 display where media is used (on external locations) accepted enhancement programming
#346 Keyboard shortcuts accepted enhancement programming
#348 Ads support with Open X accepted enhancement other
#351 Markdown editor accepted enhancement programming
#714 "Change forgotten password" e-mail subject is not localizable accepted defect graphic design/interface
#947 Media type configuration options are not documented accepted enhancement documentation
#1051 "Max file size: X mb" should state "MiB", not "mb". accepted enhancement graphic design/interface
#541 Use versioned API URLs new joar enhancement programming
#572 Move Columns from MediaEntry to ProcessingMetaData new enhancement programming
#590 Provide Markdown formatting options rather than linking to Markdown website new enhancement graphic design/interface
#600 "Liberate my data" (data export button) new spaetz enhancement programming
#816 BCV (Buscador de Contenidos en video) / BCV (content search in video) new enhancement programming
#817 4 different similar strings about Markdown new defect graphic design/interface
#959 Create separate git repository for MediaGoblin themes new enhancement infrastructure
#979 Server Error is untranslatable new defect graphic design/interface
#1042 Embed Open Graph data into relevant pages new enhancement programming
#5034 Inconsistent variable syntax in new enhancement programming
#5064 Add option to override ./configure'd virtualenv new defect programming
#5565 Display file size of uploaded media new enhancement programming
#5567 Allowing setting per-user upload limits new enhancement programming
#5522 Add pixel to test_exif_image_orientation review defect 0.13.0 programming
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.