Custom Query (15 matches)


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Status: closed (15 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#72 "Lost password?" functionality ("Change password" functionality possibly embedded in case) Caleb Davis defect minor FIXED 13 years
#242 Closing storage objects joar defect minor FIXED 13 years
#221 CloudFilesStorage - Incorrect MIMEtypes Christopher Allan Webber defect minor FIXED 13 years
#283 Factor out migration: add_db_field Christopher Allan Webber defect trivial FIXED 13 years
#266 Improve cache friendliness of static content Christopher Allan Webber defect minor FIXED 13 years
#281 MediaGoblin broken by recent WebOb release Christopher Allan Webber defect critical FIXED 13 years
#265 No 'you really want to post a blank comment? yes/no' before posting an empty comment Aaron Williamson defect minor FIXED 13 years
#280 One can post comments for non existent media Christopher Allan Webber defect major FIXED 13 years
#240 Provide facility for configuring application-required middleware nyergler defect minor FIXED 13 years
#226 Small code picks Christopher Allan Webber defect minor FIXED 13 years
#252 Split into submodules joar defect minor FIXED 13 years
#245 Tests failing for me in master Christopher Allan Webber defect minor FIXED 13 years
#76 prevent CSRF and similar things nyergler defect major FIXED 13 years
#257 request.path_info sometimes used incorrectly Christopher Allan Webber defect minor FIXED 13 years
#154 is cluttered Christopher Allan Webber defect minor FIXED 13 years
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.