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Results (160 - 162 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#58 FIXED Better contribution patches / branches documentation Will Kahn-Greene Christopher Allan Webber
We haven't explained now what kind of patches we want or how to
push a branch for us to merge in the docs. Well, at least we
haven't explained the patch part well. We should basically give an
example tutorial session on how to submit a proper patch.

#66 FIXED Better phrasing than "own your data" Christopher Allan Webber Christopher Allan Webber
Asheesh Laroia has rightly pointed out that talking about "owning
your own data" is misleading, esp if extrapolating free culture
from free software, "data shouldn't have owners". Think of better
phrasing, update
` <>`_

"Also, people should be able to own their data." to something

#307 FIXED Better titles in more places! Christopher Allan Webber Christopher Allan Webber
Multiple places throughout the application don't have very nice or
descriptive s. For example:

-  ` <>`_
   should have "cwebber's profile" in the title
-  ` <>`_
   should have "Fear of Flight" in the title
-  ` <>`_
   should say "Media tagged with 'creature'"
-  ` <>`_
   should say "cwebber's main gallery" (or something less shitty :))

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