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Results (118 - 120 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#448 fixed SQLAlchemy session error [was: JPG upload fails] joar Jakob Kramer

After I had set up a completely fresh MediaGoblin development environment, started ./lazyserver and created a new user account, I tried to upload a JPG file, but it failed with the attached error message.

I can upload PNG files, though. (And I am using the PIL from the package manager of Ubuntu (12.04). ;))

#450 fixed Theming support Christopher Allan Webber

We should have proper theming support in MediaGoblin. We *kind of* have theming in MediaGoblin at present, but not really.

Okay, so the things that are needed are really:


  • A way to install themes
  • It should be easy to "build" a theme, which means we should be able to provide a staging area of sorts
    • Should be easy to place together the templates
    • Should be easy to add extra assets
    • Should be easy to roll these up into a tarball or etc
  • Should be easy to "roll out" static templates into a directory that's served from apache

ie, you don't want all .png and css files for a theme to be served by apache/nginx, so you might have a file with something like:

  location /mg_themes {
    alias /srv/mediagoblin/themes/static/;

and a line in mediagoblin.ini like:

theme_install_dir = /srv/mediagoblin/themes/static/

People could possibly push theme static content to something like this with such a command:

./bin/gmg install_theme coolthemebro.tar.gz

This might install the theme to something like:

  • That said, the themes that come with MediaGoblin should get a "free pass" here maybe? There's no reason that we shouldn't include a couple of base themes, and there's no reason that someone selecting one should have to push


  • Should themes be plugins?
    • Pro: Could make use of infrastructure willkg is already using.
    • Con: Could allow themes to install way more than they should be able to, possibly even install malicious python code. (However, since templates can basically execute a good amount of python, you should only install templates you trust anyway.)
    • Pro: Plugins probably also already need a way to set up their own files, including templates and static files, so we could just use that
  • How to make the staging area and everything work nicely and cleanly?
    • If we set up the config options, directories and stuff in paste.ini and mediagoblin from the get-go, it's probably pretty easy to do right, and we can have a ./bin/gmg rolltheme that rolls up everything in the user_dev/templates/ and user_dev/theme_static/ into the appropriate tarball?
  • How to handle the "registry" of things correctly? (Again, plugin solution might actually just make this easy)
#451 fixed Convert all mongokit style .find, .find_one, .one calls over to SQLAlchemy queries Christopher Allan Webber

Right now (esp thanks to Elrond) we managed to have a nice transitional period between Mongo and SQL by having mongokit like queries via .find() .find_one() and .one() reproduction for SQLAlchemy. But it's time to remove those from the codebase. We should start removing all instances of those and replacing them with proper queries.

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