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Results (91 - 93 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#514 fixed Incorrect OSM license Marko Dimjašević

In the OpenStreetMap plugin, there is the copyright statment of the OpenStreetMap license that reads CC-BY-SA. I believe that's wrong because it changed a year or two ago. Now the data is available under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL), but as it says at:

if using map tiles (which is the case in the plugin), the cartography is licensed as CC-BY-SA. As far as I got it, both information should be stated. For more details on copyright and attribution check the provided link.

#515 fixed MediaGoblin makes thumbs 180px high, but css only allows 135px high max Christopher Allan Webber

MediaGoblin's default max_height for thumbs is 180px... from the config_spec:

# Dimensions used when creating media thumbnails
# This is unfortunately not implemented in the media
# types yet. You can help!
# TODO: Make plugins follow the media size settings
max_width = integer(default=180)
max_height = integer(default=180)

But MediaGoblin's CSS only allows for 135px high things!

.media_thumbnail img {
  max-height: 135px;

The end result? Weird squashed and grainy browser-resized thumbs.

One of these needs to change! But it's not currently just as simple as changing the max-height in the css, because that breaks the thumbs!

#517 wontfix Update OAuth plugin to RFC 6749-6750 joar

The OAuth Authentication Framework has become an established specification.

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