Custom Query (17 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#530 Airy: audio player’s time indicator is low-contrast accepted defect minor
#619 "-- Select --" at the "Add media to collection" page cannot be translated/localized new defect minor
#714 "Change forgotten password" e-mail subject is not localizable accepted defect trivial
#749 With JS, videos can be (un)paused only with mouse; without JS, only with keyboard new defect minor
#817 4 different similar strings about Markdown new defect trivial
#838 Moderation: report panel: "Action Taken" shows a date in the past (report date?). new defect major
#882 Moderation: reason for report looks like a comment. new defect minor
#247 Add a language selector accepted enhancement minor
#260 A way for a reader to see thumbnails/resized versions in other sizes accepted enhancement trivial
#263 A way to choose filename different from the before-upload one accepted enhancement minor
#385 Show the original’s file size and dimensions on the file page accepted enhancement minor
#414 Ability to delete one's own comments. review enhancement minor
#472 An option to use uploaded audio/video file “as is”, without transcoding new enhancement minor
#519 A way to link to a position in a video/audio (timestamp) accepted enhancement minor
#713 Should password recovery e-mail use the website name instead of "GNU MediaGoblin"? new enhancement minor
#840 Moderation: user panel lists the number of comments posted, but not number of media posted/retained new enhancement minor
#881 Make notification of moderators/admins about new reports more prominent. new enhancement minor
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.