Custom Query (24 matches)


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Status: closed (24 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#662 Replace mediagoblin/tests/test_submission/evil* defect critical fixed 11 years
#702 Deleting account raises stl-table-related SQLAlchemy exception defect critical cant-reproduce 11 years
#391 Presentation and/or document media type support? Jorge Araya Navarro enhancement major duplicate 12 years
#548 Add support for token refresh to the OAuth plugin enhancement major fixed 12 years
#580 Get rid of beaker defect major fixed 12 years
#614 Ability to swap app configuration for different unit tests Christopher Allan Webber defect major fixed 11 years
#623 Easy context hooks for plugins defect major fixed 11 years
#637 Callable hooks that iterate through vs hooks that halt Christopher Allan Webber enhancement major fixed 11 years
#639 WTForms form extension hooks enhancement major fixed 11 years
#640 Interface implementation hooks enhancement major fixed 11 years
#641 Plugin support for static files and staticdirect enhancement major fixed 11 years
#643 Unique contraint for user+slug on collections rodney757 defect major fixed 11 years
#671 3D model parser fails on stl models Aeva defect major fixed 11 years
#672 rfe: pdf media type support alon enhancement major fixed 11 years
#688 Map MEDIA_MANAGER to new MediaManager classes praveen97uma enhancement major fixed 11 years
#695 config_spec.ini for plugins defect major fixed 11 years
#697 Expand the plugin author guide defect major fixed 11 years
#699 Set up tests that use different plugins and media types to use their own config defect major fixed 11 years
#709 Changing license setting may set password to empty defect major fixed 11 years
#394 Fuzzy timestamps Jessica Tallon enhancement minor fixed 12 years
#531 Compression Options for Images enhancement minor fixed 12 years
#532 Show creation date (extract from EXIF) enhancement minor fixed 12 years
#645 Refactor generate_slug for media and collections. Elrond enhancement minor fixed 11 years
#649 Use instead of request.form['field'] Hans Lo defect minor fixed 11 years
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.