Opened 11 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#930 closed defect (cant-reproduce)

allow_registration = false doesnt work

Reported by: Alberto Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: programming Keywords: registration
Cc: Parent Tickets:


I added allow_registration = false to mediagoblin.ini, ran ./bin/gmg dbupdate .. and the link "Create an account at this site" is still appearing

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Simon Fondrie-Teitler, 10 years ago

Owner: set to Simon Fondrie-Teitler
Status: newin_progress

comment:2 by Simon Fondrie-Teitler, 10 years ago

Hi, thanks for this report.

Where are you seeing this? On the latest dev checkout I change allow_registration to false and all I see is "Set up MediaGoblin on your own server". The create account button disappears.

Is it possible that either the process was not restarted, or that you're actually pointing to mediagoblin_local.ini as the configuration file?

comment:3 by ayleph, 10 years ago

Owner: Simon Fondrie-Teitler removed
Resolution: worksforme
Status: in_progressclosed

This is not a reproduceable issue. allow_registration=false does indeed work. This is either a bad configuration, or the server wasn't restarted after making the change.

If the reporter still has issues, please find us in #mediagoblin on or send an email to the devel list [1] for assistance.


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