Opened 10 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#871 closed enhancement (no-action)

Pull documentation on Ubuntu packaging regression

Reported by: anongoblin Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: documentation Keywords: ffmpeg ubuntu trusty
Cc: Parent Tickets:


Starting in 14.04, Ubuntu mysteriously does not include the gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg package. It includes the various other gstreamer packages that the GMG audio and video code needs - it's just missing the one.

The easiest and safest way to get your ffmpeg fix is to add the universe repos from the previous version of Ubuntu to your sources.list. Trustworthy source, version numbers will be lower so it won't clobber any Trusty packages, etc. That's all it takes to get the missing package to work.

This branch updates the docs, to point users to the aforementioned fix, using the power of footnotes. Or rather, one footnote referenced in two places.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Ben Sturmfels, 3 years ago

Resolution: no-action-required
Status: newclosed

Closing this old ticket.

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