Opened 12 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#535 closed defect (fixed)

Some files cause a mystery error - MakerNote Tag 0x0001

Reported by: Mark Holmquist Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: programming Keywords:
Cc: Parent Tickets:


This file was troublesome, for some reason. It is pretty big, but I'm not sure that's the problem.

Attachments (2)

debug.txt (5.2 KB ) - added by Mark Holmquist 12 years ago.
The debug output, for your reference.
The Boys (scaled).jpg (192.3 KB ) - added by Mark Holmquist 12 years ago.
File that broke the server

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (9)

by Mark Holmquist, 12 years ago

Attachment: debug.txt added

The debug output, for your reference.

comment:1 by Christopher Allan Webber, 12 years ago

Interesting. It looks like (which we don't maintain) has some special code here relative to makernote stuff, and that it's broken somehow.

We also haven't pulled down a more recent in some time; I wonder if it's been fixed recently?

Last edited 12 years ago by Christopher Allan Webber (previous) (diff)

by Mark Holmquist, 12 years ago

Attachment: The Boys (scaled).jpg added

File that broke the server

comment:2 by Christopher Allan Webber, 12 years ago

If someone wants to tackle this bug, it would be good if they could try pulling in a more recent version of and see if that fixes it. If not, we should file a bug and possibly a fix upstream.

comment:3 by bcordier, 12 years ago

Tested the image with a newer version of (available at The scripts returns all the exif infos with no error compared to the actual version in mediagoblin. Tested with mediagoblin by replacing the in /mediagoblin/extlib/exif/ and it works flawlessly, the image shows up on the website and no error appear. So apparently this new version fixes this bug.

comment:4 by Deb, 12 years ago

Owner: set to Deb
Status: newaccepted

comment:5 by Christopher Allan Webber, 12 years ago

Status: acceptedin_progress

Deb, are you working on this bug? I've set it in_progress and to you, not sure what's going on. Feel free to unclaim if you aren't presently working on it. Thanks!

comment:6 by Deb, 12 years ago

Hey there. 1) I have not done any work on this and 2) it seems like it is fixed once you update

I didn't look into this in any detail and so don't feel qualified to close this bug.

comment:7 by Christopher Allan Webber, 11 years ago

Owner: Deb removed
Resolution: fixed
Status: in_progressclosed

We are indeed using a newer version now (via a library) and everything seems fine, so closing this ticket.

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