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Results (85 - 87 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5505 fixed please remove me from mailing list admin wkahngreene

I helped set up the infrastructure for the MediaGoblin project in its early moments. Then later, I got super busy and ended up leaving the project.

Seems like most of my accounts are cleaned up (which is good), but the one thing that never got cleaned up is that I'm getting all the administrivia emails from the mediagoblin mailing list. This amounts to some 30+ emails a day. I get moderation queue notifications, administrivia, and bounceback emails from mailman sending an email saying an email was put in the moderator queue, but since the email isn't valid it bounces back.

I've asked a couple of times for someone to go through the mailing list admin pages and remove my email address (willg at bluesock dot org) over the years, but I'm still getting the email.

Can someone either go through the mailing list admin pages and remove my email address or give me the admin password so I can do it myself?

Thank you!

#5504 no-action Support alternate URL prefixes Vaelatern

In the scenario where the user (me) wants to run Mediagoblin under, for example,, mediagoblin makes this very difficult.

I was able to route /mgoblin_static to /mg/mgoblin_static, and was able to serve the main page under /mg, but was unable to use the site as other actions (like submitting new media) brought me back to / rooted URLs.

Official support for prefixes would be quite nice for people who want to have small setups, or don't want to have a subdomain for this program.

#5501 cant-reproduce Transcoding progress - Unknown roere

I uploaded several images and videos to my MediaGoblin-Instance. All media uploads remain in the status Transcoding progress - unknown. There is no error in the log file (LogLevel DEBUG). Any Ideas?

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