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Results (49 - 51 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#25 FIXED A nice looking basic theme Jef van Schendel Christopher Allan Webber
We need some sort of theme, any kind of theme :)

Some stuff mentioned here:
` <>`_

but admittedly that's a bit vaporous. I'd love it if we could have
a base theme that's dark, kind of tango-ish in colors and icons
(could even use tango icons!) etc.

#48 FIXED Design upload process Jef van Schendel Jef van Schendel
This ticket exists to track the interaction design of the upload

I'll try to start designing this and post iterations to the mailing
list to get feedback.

Questions that need to be answered:

-  What are the different use cases? What goals do our users have?
-  How can we reach these goals in typical awesome GNU MediaGoblin
   fashion? What steps will the users have to take to upload media?
-  What kind of information will they need to provide in the forms?
   What should be mandatory and what should be optional?
-  How do we deal with uploading large amounts of images? How can
   we provide the best way to upload a single image, several images or
   a huge number of images?


After the design is done we can divide it into smaller parts, check
what still needs to be done and report bugs on those issues.

#69 FIXED edit media details Jef van Schendel Elrond
It should be possible to edit the title, description, slug and
maybe other things.

In the long run, it might be needed to even replace the media. But
this is probably another item.

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